Incredible unexpected event during the broadcast hosted by Amadeus: viewers witnessed a surreal moment that led to the recording being temporarily interrupted. The moderator: “I’m not cutting anything off, we’ll see everything.”
If you are asked to watch a television program as a studio audience, It’s good to think about a comfortable dressbut above all che doesn’t “leave anything out”. What happened during the Amadeus-hosted Affari Tuoi broadcast on the September 27 episode was surreal. An unbuttoned shirt caught the attention of the studio assistant who intervened to stop the recording: “He has the Panza de’fori!”.
What happened
During the recording of Affari Tuoi, a studio assistant had to stop recording because a gentleman in the audience had unbuttoned his shirt: “You can see the belly of the holes”He explained to Amadeus that he immediately took advantage of the situation to pull off a gag, then promised the cameras: “I won’t cut anything! You’re going to see all of this.” That was indeed the case, and that promise was definitely made in tonight’s episode unforgettable.
Amadeus improvised and joked with the audience
After returning from the commercial break, the audience at home got to see Amadeus capitalize on this “injury.” The man in the audience with his shirt unbuttoned is called Enricoso Amadeus jokes with him and tells him to make himself comfortable and not feel too watched.
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Don’t worry now, don’t worry, it’s not like you have to make the whole bet right away. When the shirt button gives way again, the only lady who can worry is the lady next to him. When a button goes off, a ball goes off.
Since it began, Affari Tuoi is back with great reviews. The credit obviously goes to Amadeus, who has always managed to turn unexpected situations into moments of great exhilaration. If there was still a need, it was further evidence of what it probably is the best TV presenter of the moment.