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Study on children’s rights and Federal Council meeting Austrian Parliament

In a plenary session on October 5th, the Federal Council will discuss National Council resolutions, some of which have already been approved in the extraordinary session on August 30th and others in the ordinary session on September 20th. Before then, on October 4, the State House will focus on children’s rights and prospects as part of a parliamentary inquiry.

A special grant to the federal states of 150 million euros is used to finance a “fee brake”, which is intended to be a further inflation-damping measure to cushion increases in municipal fees for water use, wastewater and collection of trash. Another measure against inflation is the contribution of the energy crisis to fossil fuels taking profits away from energy companies.

In the social sector, a change to parental leave aims to be a step towards a fairer distribution of care and nursing tasks between men and women. The amendment to the Unemployment Insurance Law brings, among other things, the end of partial retirement blocked until 2029.

In addition to the clarifications contained in the Federal Equal Treatment Act, the Bundesrat’s agenda also includes laws regarding the federal COVID-19 financing agency (COFAG) and the Austrian contribution to EU loans to Ukraine.

At the beginning of the meeting, a time is scheduled when the Minister of Justice, Alma Zadić, will be available to the members of the Federal Council to provide information.