Putin signs the decree for 130000 conscripts in the fall

Putin signs the decree for 130,000 conscripts in the fall Latest News Ansa.it ​​

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the decree on conscription of Russian citizens for military service in the fall. Tass reports it.
The decree provides for the period “from October 1 to December 31, 2023 for the call-up for military service of citizens of the Russian Federation between the ages of 18 and 27 who are not in the reserve” and applies to 130,000 people.
According to Tass data, during Russia’s previous periodic conscription, which took place in the spring, 147,000 people were drafted into military service, and last fall the figure was 120,000 people.
On average, around 130,000 people have been affected by every conscription in Russia in recent years, writes Tass.
In August this year, a law was passed raising the upper limit of conscription age from 27 to 30, but the changes will come into force from January 1, 2024. This morning, Vladimir Tsimlyansky, deputy head of the Organization and Mobilization Department, said the Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Federation clarified that the soldiers conscripted during this autumn recruitment “will not be deployed in the Lugansk People’s Republic, the Donetsk People’s Republic, the Kherson Region or the Zaporizhzhia Region, in order to “To carry out tasks within the framework of the special military operation,” as Moscow explained, defines the invasion of Ukraine.

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