1696083992 Yolanda Diaz We will not be in government to agree

Yolanda Díaz: “We will not be in government to agree, we want more”

The leader of Sumar, Yolanda Díaz, during her speech this Saturday at the Los Verdes summit in Madrid.The leader of Sumar, Yolanda Díaz, during her speech this Saturday at the Los Verdes summit in Madrid.VICTOR_LERENA (EFE)

Yolanda Díaz called this Saturday for the formation of a coalition government with the PSOE that would advance the social agenda in the next legislative period. “We will not be in government to conform, we want more.” The challenge is equality. And although the Lord [Alberto Núñez] Feijóo lies more than he talks and it is true that we have reduced inequality in Spain, there is still a lot to do,” said the leader of Sumar at the closing ceremony of the Green Social, without criticizing the president of the PP belittle Summit, the summit that has been taking place in Madrid since Friday and which served to make visible the proximity of their project to the European Greens. Looking ahead to the elections next June, the incumbent Second Vice President also advocates “triggering a great wave of progress across Europe” and creating a transversal “historic bloc” that defeats the far right. Díaz also distorted the PP’s attitude towards the confrontation suffered by the socialist parliamentarian Óscar Puente a day earlier. “We have seen the worst side of the right and the far right. You are already confused. “The face of a PP is not that it does not condemn, but that it supports that an MP can be harassed by a deeply violent person,” he accused.

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Without mentioning the talks with Junts or ERC or her party’s “discomfort” with the recent move by the independents in parliament by linking their support for a hypothetical inauguration of Pedro Sánchez to the holding of a referendum, said the leader de Sumar has confident declares that “there will be a progressive coalition government”, although it has confirmed some of its main statements in the negotiations with the PSOE. “Sumar’s contribution to the Spanish government has to do with the issues that concern people,” he noted, before mentioning the reduction in working hours, the increase in the minimum wage, the adoption of a law regulating maximum working hours and waiting lists for B. for the public health or the fight against climate change, and “anticipated” Spain’s commitments to reduce CO2 emissions from 2050 to 2030. “A government that ensures that economic, racial, sexual, linguistic and whatever kind.” And I say that in Madrid, which makes education a place of intolerable segregation,” he criticized in the community led by the popular Isabel Díaz Ayuso is ruled.

The vice president celebrated Feijóo’s “failure” in the investiture debate on Friday, contrasting the noise from PP and Vox with the “useful politics” she believes Sumar is pursuing. “We will defend the Spain of coexistence and hope and leave them the Spain of revenge,” he concluded at an event attended by, among others, the leader of Catalonia in Comú Ada Colau this Saturday. Díaz has also stated that he will tell the head of state on Monday in the consultation round that the policy is about “increasing salaries, improving pensions, ending precarity, about hospital emergencies, the shortage of pediatricians or young people to speak to people.” can emancipate themselves.”

Debate not yet resolved

Just over eight months before the European elections (they take place on June 9th) and with parties within the Sumar coalition belonging to different political families in the European Parliament (e.g. the joint groups of Los Verdes and Podemos and the IU by La Izquierda). ) Example) Díaz defended the right to understand each other through differences: “We have to beat them [a la derecha y la extrema derecha] add a lot, love each other very much. Considering that politics is about solving people’s problems, understanding that democracy means diversity and we have the right to think differently but put people’s lives at the center. By adding a lot in Spain and in Europe, we will transform this wave of hope into a great project of European transformation,” he said before a debate – the debate on the lists and formations that will make up Sumar in these elections unsolved. The Green Group in the European Parliament, whose vice-president is Sumar spokesman Ernest Urtasun, chose Madrid as the venue for the meeting during Spain’s EU presidency and also served as the group’s previous meeting. “We can win, and to win we must shake hands, walk together and form a historic bloc of progressive people, the world of work, the trade union movement and the green formations,” emphasized the Vice President in her last speech before the end of the Summit.

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