Nagorno Karabakh An Azerbaijani soldier is killed on the border

Nagorno Karabakh: An Azerbaijani soldier is killed on the border with Armenia


Updated 9/30/23 at 5:24 p.m

The separatist enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh has been engaged in “demilitarization” for a week, but tensions with Armenia have increased

An Azerbaijani soldier was killed on Saturday by a sniper from Armenian Armed Forces positions on the border between the two countries, the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry said in a statement.

“The soldier was killed in the afternoon” on the territory of Azerbaijan (…) “from the village of Zerkend in Armenia” and “units of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces are taking retaliatory measures,” he said. -he adds.

Armenia denies

For its part, Armenia denied any involvement and reiterated on Telegram that this “statement,” according to which “Armenian units opened fire on Azerbaijani positions” (…), “does not correspond to reality.”

Following Baku’s lightning victory last week and the surrender of Nagorno-Karabakh’s Armenian separatists, the enclave on Thursday ordered the historic dissolution of all its institutions on January 1.

In total, almost 600 deaths were reported as a result of the Baku military offensive. In the fighting itself, around 200 soldiers died on each side.

The separatist republic of Nagorno-Karabakh was almost completely deserted on Saturday by its residents, who left en masse for Armenia fearing reprisals from Azerbaijan.