The SAAQ refuses to compensate a survivor of the Riviere Eternite

The SAAQ refuses to compensate a survivor of the Rivière-Éternité – landslide

A survivor of the Rivière-Éternité tragedy last July is incomprehensible since the Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ) refused to recognize him as a victim of a traffic accident.

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• Also read: Tragedy of Rivière-Éternité: The identity of the final victim is revealed

• Also read: Landslide: Two bodies found in Rivière-Éternité

Jean-Philippe Caty almost died on July 1 after the ground gave way in the area of ​​Route 170 following heavy rains in Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean.


In an interview on the show “Salut Bonjour Weekend,” Mr. Caty regrets having to take steps to obtain compensation.

The latter spent 76 days in hospital treating serious injuries and undergoing lengthy operations.

“If it weren’t for all the transportation to rehabilitation, I do physical therapy three times a week, etc. “That’s a big cost if you’re not covered by insurance,” he says, while the man still can’t walk.

The citizen of the national capital is even considering going to the Quebec Administrative Court to assert his rights.

“The SAAQ has initially rejected the concept of the traffic accident that is being put into practice with Me Bellemare. We must defend our rights, especially when they are legitimate,” he adds optimistically.

The two people who accompanied him died after being swept away by the current of the Éternité river.

SAAQ, contacted by TVA Nouvelles, prefers not to comment on the matter in order not to prejudice the current process.

*See explanations in the video above*

Photos Roger Gagnon/QMI Agency.