1696108832 Leon registered an earthquake of magnitude 43 which was also

León registered an earthquake of magnitude 4.3, which was also felt in Zamora, Asturias and Ourense

Leon registered an earthquake of magnitude 43 which was also

The municipality of Villamejil (León, 677 inhabitants) registered an earthquake of magnitude 4.3 this Saturday at 2:46 p.m. According to initial information, no injuries or property damage have been reported so far. In addition to the epicenter in the Cepeda region, the earthquake was also felt in the capital León, municipalities in Asturias (including Oviedo and Gijón) and other parts of the provinces of Zamora and Ourense, the report said. National Geographic Institute. Villamejil is about 50 kilometers west of the capital.

Neighbors from different cities assured the Ical news agency that they clearly felt the earthquake, and some claimed to have heard a roar in certain places. Other citizens reported that some objects and belongings in their homes were shaking. There are also residents who report that they were worried because they didn’t know what was going on at first. The earthquake had a hypocenter at a depth of five kilometers.

“We felt the ground shaking. “It felt like a tank or heavy vehicle was passing nearby and shaking the ground,” Loli Santos, a resident of the town of Sueros de Cepeda – with 234 inhabitants and 6 kilometers from Villamejil – said in an interview TVE. . “We also heard something cracking. As far as we were able to verify, no damage occurred that would be regrettable [en el pueblo]”, added.

If an earthquake occurs, authorities recommend that if you are in a house or office, gather everyone around you and go outside. Always use the stairs and prohibit the use of the elevator. But first you need to make sure no one gets hurt. The last earthquake of significant magnitude recorded in Spain occurred on July 20 in the town of Algodonales in Cádiz, a city in the heart of the Sierra de Cádiz, with a magnitude of 3.5.

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