Arnold Schwarzeneggers granddaughter is more obsessed with his pets than

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s granddaughter is more obsessed with his pets than him


When it comes to Arnold Schwarzenegger’s grandchildren and his love of animals, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

Schwarzenegger – the grandfather of daughter Katherine Schwarzenegger’s two children with Chris Pratt, Lyla and Eloise – says three-year-old Lyla is particularly fond of his many pets, including a dog, a miniature horse, a donkey and a pig.

When Lyla came to visit him, the former California governor told People in an interview published Saturday: “The first thing Lyla would say is, ‘Where’s Cherry?'” That’s my little dog. I say, ‘Cherry is waiting for you.'”

He then shared more about what Lyla and her mother would talk about, and also revealed that his granddaughter calls him “Opa,” which is the German word for grandfather.

“‘Mommy, can we go to Grandpa and Cherry’s?’ “Sure, we’re leaving tomorrow. So they come over: ‘Cherry, Cherry, Cherry,'” Schwarzenegger told the publication, adding that Lyla then “holds Cherry on her lap.”

But to Lyla’s delight, the 70-year-old movie star, in addition to Cherry, has a whole stable of pets, including a pig named Schnelly, a miniature horse named Whiskey and a miniature donkey named Lulu.

“Then I bring the pig around and then she likes the pig and feeds the pig,” Schwarzenegger described. “Then I said, ‘Do you want to come out? “Let’s go to the stables and see the horses.” Okay, then take my hand and then we’ll go to the fields and she’ll go to the stables and visit the horses.”