The victim who died from a scorpion sting was a

The victim who died from a scorpion sting was a 5 year old child Adriatico 24 Ore

Great sadness in Brazil, where a 5-year-old boy died as a result of a scorpion sting in the schoolyard

Scorpio –

The history

The little child’s story is incredible Brazilian man bitten by a scorpion and he never returned homebut unfortunately it is the sad reality of the facts.

We are in Brazilin the state of Sao Paulo, to Itapolic in particular. He lived here Lorenzo Benicio de Moraes Ramalho, the 5-year-old boy who died after a scorpion sting. The child He was playing in the schoolyard when he was bitten by the animaldeath has come after several hours of torment.

According to the reports The child was fetching water in the garden and would not have noticed the scorpion’s presence which stung him and caused his death hours later. After the flat tire Lorenzo was taken to the nearest hospital and from there transferred to a clinic in Ibitingawhere he was treated an anti-scorpion serum to try to limit the damage of the poison.

Yellow Scorpion – Adriatico24ore

Unfortunately, the journey to the hospital wasn’t quick enough for everyone time had already run out for Lorenzo: The doctors couldn’t do anything, they had to declare the child dead.

The fatal bite

The poison had been around for a whileand during the various journeys between school, hospital and clinic, He had already been compromising for several hours, causing poor Lorenzo great distress, who died despite the anti-venom serum. It is not clear which species of scorpion caused little Lorenzo’s death, but according to the numbers the most widespread scorpion in Brazil (and generally in South America) It is the yellow scorpion, one of the most dangerous species in the world.

Yellow scorpion venom can kill an adult human within an hourThink about what it can do to the small body of a 5 year old child.

The accusation against the school

Brazil’s Yellow Scorpion – Adriatico24ore

Obviously after the sad event There was no shortage of criticism of the school. A spokesman for the local authority announced this to the media The school had been disinfected a few weeks earlierbut unfortunately it was not enough to ensure the absence of the scorpions.

We are still afraid for the other children and New disinfestations are being carried outespecially because This is the breeding season for scorpions, so their presence is larger than usualand obviously the disinfestation procedures need to be repeated over shorter periods of time.