Brazil takes over the presidency of the UN Security Council

Brazil takes over the presidency of the UN Security Council Diário do Poder

Brazil assumed this Sunday (1st) the presidency of the UN Security Council (United Nations), a rotating post that only exists this month of October. Despite repeated initiatives by President Lula (PT) to negotiate an end to the war in Ukraine, no meeting is planned to discuss the conflict that began last year due to the Russian invasion. Brazil’s focus will be on the debate on strategies that the university can use to prevent conflict.

The Secretary for Multilateral and Political Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MRE), Ambassador Carlos Márcio Cozendey, announced through Itamaraty that the Brazilian delegation will present, as the central theme of the interim presidency, the importance of bilateral, regional and multilateral institutions to prevent, resolve and conflicts to convey. And the hearing on the issue is scheduled for October 20, chaired by Foreign Minister Mauro Vieira.

“This month we will raise the idea that the Security Council should engage more fully with the tools available to the United Nations, countries and regional organizations to prevent conflict, rather than dealing with them only after they have occurred .” “Strengthening bilateral, regional and multilateral diplomacy to prevent the outbreak of conflict,” Cozendev said.

The issue of war in Ukraine is treated only as a possibility, alongside other issues such as the possible mission to support the Haitian security forces; and maintaining the UN mission overseeing peace negotiations in Colombia.

According to Itamaraty, on the 24th, Chancellor Mauro Vieira will chair the open debate on the Middle East, which takes place every quarter and focuses on the conflicts between Israel and Palestine. In addition to chairing another open debate scheduled for the 25th on “Women, Peace and Security”; and an annual dialogue between the UN Security Council and the African Union Peace and Security Council in Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia and the headquarters of the African Union.

Brazil occupies one of the ten vacant places for nonpermanent members on the UN Security Council, whose mandate runs until the end of this year. And he will take over the presidency of the college for the second time since July 2022 in the current twoyear period.