Spain: Fire in nightclubs, 13 dead and four drunks

The death toll from the fire rises to thirteen These included three neighboring nightclubs Murcia, in the south of Spain. The fire broke out in the La Fonda restaurant. From there the flames spread to two neighboring rooms. All victims were in La Fonda, police confirmed.

Over 13 dead – 11 already rescued, two still under the rubble – there are 15 people that again have disappeared: said a police spokesman. The rescuers hope that some of them managed to leave the nightclub.

There are also currently four injured: two women aged 22 and 25 and two men aged 41 and 45, all intoxicated by smoke. The cause of the extinguished flames is still unclear. Vice President Yolanda Diaz spoke on X on behalf of the government: “We are following the news of the tragedy in Murcia with concern. My condolences go out to all those affected and my condolences go out to their families.”

The precedents of Zaragoza and Madrid

The fire that hit several nightclubs in the Las Atalayas district of Murcia this morning is the worst in Spain since the 1990 tragedy at the Flying nightclub in Zaragoza, in which 43 people died. The greatest tragedy to occur in a Spanish nightclub occurred in Madrid on December 17, 1983, when flames ravaged the premises of Alcalá 20, killing 81 people, most of them very young. This disaster caused a political uproar as investigations revealed that the disaster was made worse by the failure of the lighting system and a closed security door. After this fire, Spain adopted numerous regulations to increase safety in the premises.

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