Two people killed by a bear in Banff

Two people killed by a bear in Banff –

Two people have died after being attacked by a bear in Banff National Park in Alberta.

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A Parks Canada specialized response team trained to respond to incidents of this nature discovered the two bodies after receiving an alert from a GPS device indicating a bear attack around 8 p.m. on Sept. 29.

It was only on September 30th around 1 a.m. that they managed to reach the parking area in question.

“Weather conditions at the time did not permit the use of helicopters and the response team traveled to the scene by land overnight,” Parks Canada said in a news release.

On the way to the crime scene, the emergency team encountered an aggressive grizzly bear near where the body was found.

Therefore, the national park staff decided to euthanize him.

RCMP arrived on scene at 5 a.m. to help transport the victims to the town of Sundre, Alberta.

“This is a tragic incident and Parks Canada extends its most sincere condolences to the families and friends of the victims,” the government agency added.

The area of ​​the park where the attack occurred, in the Red Deer River valley west of Ya Ha Tinda Ranch, was closed until November 30 as a preventative measure.