Squeezed by cow Veterinarian dies in work accident BR24

Squeezed by cow: Veterinarian dies in work accident BR24

On Saturday, a veterinarian suffered a fatal accident in Raisting in the Weilheim-Schongau district. As police have now announced, the 67-year-old man was briefly crushed by a cow in a stable.

No evidence of crime

Rescue teams were immediately called. Suddenly the man had to be resurrected. All resuscitation attempts were unsuccessful and the veterinarian died at the scene of the accident. Police are investigating the exact cause of the accident, but there is currently no evidence of foul play.

Most accidents involving cattle occur in Bavaria

Work accidents occur repeatedly in the stable. Nearly 4,800 livestock accidents were reported across Germany in 2021, seven of which were fatal. In 2017, there were almost 7,400 reported accidents, with nine deaths. Bavaria is still the sad leader in these statistics, but this is because Bavaria has the largest amount of cattle in Germany.