Palm oil university research turns everything on its head a

Palm oil, university research turns everything on its head: a healthy alternative has been discovered Orizzontenergia

The war against palm oil is always current, but no one thought that there was a healthy and economical alternative to replace this product

Fruits for the production of palm oil (Pixabay photo)

In recent years we have heard more and more about it Palm oila widely used product in the food sector that has led to different approaches to thinking Who always considered it harmful? and who instead considers it a risk-free alternative on the use of other oils. However, there is still the usual motivation behind the distribution of this product, namely its value from the point of view of economic savings.

For large companies, the use of this product can mean significantly higher sales, which is why most famous brands often its use has never ceased. However, in recent weeks positive news has come directly from the university Queen Margaret of Edinburgh, a novelty that could Revolutionize the palm oil market thanks to an alternative that can perfectly replace it without increasing costs and, according to those who have carried out the studies in question, at the same time benefit the consumer.

Goodbye palm oil, welcome to “Palm-Alt”, the panacea for your health!

Revolutionary Palm Alt Oil (Photo pixabay)

It is often difficult to combine health with affordable prices for all, which is why alternative solutions to palm oil already on the market are not always considered. L’However, public health attention is becoming an increasingly important issue given the negative publicity that palm oil generates Due to the criticism they have received in recent years, many companies have been forced to change their approach and prominently display the word “palm oil free” on their products.

Palm oil Was used far and wide due to its low cost in various products, even in cosmetics or even as biofuel. However, the controversies surrounding it are still very high, not only because of the possible harm to health, but also because of the possible damage to the environment resulting from the unsustainable supply chain in its production.

Palm Alt, the sustainable alternative discovered by scientists

Palm Alt, the sustainable alternative discovered by scientists (Photo Pixabay)

It was precisely for these reasons that the news came from the university Queen Margaret of Edinburgh, which announced the discovery of a sustainable and healthy alternative to this product, caused a huge uproar on the Internet. The new product was named “Palm-Alt”, underlining the intention to be a real alternative to the famous palm oil.

The Palm Alto Not only would it respect the environment, but according to reports it could even represent a… Benefit to human health. But what makes this product so extraordinary? Palm-Alt would be a derivative of flax included in it rapeseed oilseemingly of the same taste and consistency as palm oil, but with a much more interesting nutritional profile.

These properties would make it possible Substitute for palm oil without changing the taste of the products in which it is used and, above all, it would make it possible to put an end to the incessant deforestation to make way for palm plantations. Internally Palm alto we find one reduced saturated fat content and fewer caloriesbut also a higher concentration of minerals and vitamins.

Also in the preparation process This new oil does not contain any harmful products B. Sweeteners, colors or preservatives, which puts this product in the category of the most natural and authentic products. Finally, as icing on the cake, we find one of the factors that appeals most to large industries, viz Its truly advantageous cost makes it accessible on a large scale.

The discovery of this product could therefore revolutionize world markets and become a sustainable choice for the environment and healthy for the body. All that remains is to wait for the fruits of this discovery to be confirmed, namely on his Production can begin to see how the market will respond, towards a future where innovation and sustainability hopefully increasingly seem to go hand in hand.