1696309591 If you have minor children and live in California you

If you have minor children and live in California, you can receive OTIUM of $700 and $3,000 in October

The California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Children (CalWorks) program aims to provide cash assistance to eligible families with children.

The California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Children (CalWorks) program aims to provide cash assistance to eligible families with children.

The state of California, along with the already well-known states, is one of the states with the most economic assistance programs for its population in the United States Federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), named after the state CalFresh. In fact, there are others that are just as important if less well-known, such as CalWorks, which sends payments of between $700 and $3,000 to different groups of people who meet the requirements. Here we explain the details.

Is about Career Opportunities and Responsibility to California Children, known in English by the acronym CalWorks, a public program that provides cash assistance and services to eligible families in the state who have one or more children at home. In addition, it promotes employment, provides family rehabilitation opportunities and aims to ensure that children who cannot live at home receive care and treatment appropriate to their needs.

The primary goal of CalWorks is the care and well-being of minors in the household. Therefore, CalWorks has very specific eligibility criteria that, in addition to citizenship, age, income, assets and other applicant factors, must also meet the following:

  • Have one or more children in the household who have been deprived of parental support or care due to the absence, disability or death of a parent.
  • Families with children when both parents are at home but the main earner is unemployed.
  • Caring family members who need to foster a child or several children.

California’s CalWorks program aims to help families with children at home

Who can participate in the California CalWorks program?

Eligible children can benefit CalWorks until the age of 18 or until completion of secondary school or vocational school, provided that the qualification is completed before the age of 19.

The income and asset capacity of the household are also taken into account. Persons who own property must comply with certain established limits, which depend on family composition and the presence of elderly members. The family home is exempt from tax as long as it is your primary residence (there are no specific length of residence requirements for the program).

In addition, the program sets a gross income limit from which an initial $450 is deducted from the income of each working person in the family. There is also an exemption for the value of a car up to $32,045.

How much money is each beneficiary entitled to?

To determine the amounts you will receive from CalWorks, which can range from $707 to $3,094, it depends on the number of eligible people in the household. After the deductions mentioned in the previous paragraphs, the remaining income, both earned and unearned, is added together to calculate the family’s gross income. This number is compared to the Minimum Basic Standard of Appropriate Care (MBSAC) for family size.

If you exceed the MBSAC limit for your particular household size after deducting $450 from your family’s total gross income, you will not be eligible for CalWorks benefits.

Payments are disbursed within the first three days of each calendar month.