Will Laranjinha be expelled from A Fazenda for threatening Lucas? See contract

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Darlan Cunha, alias Laranjinha, threatened to attack Lucas Souza as they left A Fazenda 15


Darlan Cunha and Lucas Souza clashed with shouting and mutual insults in the early hours of this Wednesday (4), right after the creation of Roça in A Fazenda 15. The former husband of Jojo Todynho said he would “get” him out of detention and explained that he would resort to physical aggression. On social media, the public called for Laranjinha’s expulsion. But what does the contract say? The column tells you now.

Although Rodrigo Carelli said at the press conference of the reality show on the eve of the premiere that the rules of coexistence for the participants of this season were tightened due to the exaggerations of Deolane Bezerra in A Fazenda 14 and that they often flirted with crimes what led many people to realize that threats to physical integrity were part of this package. But the truth is not quite like that.

The column used the contract of one of this season’s contestants, and the word “threat” appears in two places: in a topic that lists actions that could result in warnings and in another topic that lists actions that could result in seriousness entail penalties. And none of them indicate that carrying out this act would result in immediate expulsion. Everything is subject to analysis.

“In the event of any unlawful conduct or misconduct, as determined by Record in its sole discretion, including, but not limited to, harming or threatening to harm other participants or the production team, violent behavior, whether physical or verbal violence, criminal acts, etc., fraud,” says it is in the paragraph in the field that deals with warnings.

“Sexual harassment, physical and/or verbal aggression and/or threats to the physical integrity of another participant, at the discretion of production,” the paragraph reads in the list of items that can result in severe punishment or exclusion. It is important to emphasize that in both situations the situations are always subject to analysis by Carelli’s team, which measures the intensity of the threat in order to make a more informed decision.

And considering the history of the reality show, there is a high chance that Darlan’s speeches will be interpreted as casual, since this type of speech happens every year, not only in A Fazenda, but also in Big Brother Brasil. And that is not subject to expulsion, not even on Globo.

During the exchange between the imprisoned, insults were exchanged, with Darlan and Lucas becoming upset. But at some point the actor says: “In here we are arguing (sic). I’ll catch you outside.” Jojo’s exhusband also emphasized: “This… This… threat,” he commented while being tied up by Rachel Sheherazade.

It is also important to record Rodrigo Carelli’s speeches during the press conference of the reality show. The press pointed out the excessive aggressiveness of last season and the director emphasized that he had tightened the rules of the game, but at no time did he specifically comment on threats that led to sending off.

“There is no rule in this treaty ‘if one goes beyond the limits in one’s speeches…’. There is no way for us to determine that tenderness is there for people,” explained the director when asked about the limits of speeches and aggressive behavior of the participants.

Therefore, as much as the fans of the reality show are angry with Darlan Cunha and want to throw him out, the farmer’s statements will not lead to his expulsion. The only way to get him out for now is a vote.

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