Police charge man who harassed reporter with harassment ​​Splash

When the journalist was reporting on measures to combat the drowning in Maricá, she was surprised by a man who tried to kiss her face.

She managed to push the man with her left arm to avoid the kiss without his consent. That’s why she went live on the Globo subsidiary and explained the work of civil defense on the beaches.

Hours later, Bianca Chaboudet posted a video of the event on social media and reported that the situation made him feel “terrible.”

Today I experienced such a situation for the first time. I was in a square, shops were operating, people were living and a random person came by and tried to kiss me on the cheek. “Ah, but it was in the face.” Only I know how destabilizing it was to continue with the news. My legs felt wobbly. He even stopped behind my equipment and said a few more things that I couldn’t understand because I kept repeating the news. It was a terrible feeling. Bianca Chaboudet

The reporter also expressed gratitude for the expressions of affection and support from friends and professional colleagues following the harassment episode. “I’m doing well! “I’m still a little scared, but good!” she said.

She ended her message with a request not to intrude on journalists’ live feeds. “And I would like to take this opportunity to say that all kinds of assaults on live broadcasts are very bad! They put the reporter in a vulnerable situation, lost in the content he wants to convey to the audience,” he concluded.