Leader of a criminal group gave Miss Venezuela an apartment

Leader of a criminal group gave Miss Venezuela an apartment worth R$4.8 million

Photo: Reproduction: Social Networks

The model who represented Venezuela at the 2007 Miss World pageant, Claudia Paola Suárez Fernández, received an apartment worth US$950,000 (approximately R$4.8 million) from businessman Luis Mariano Rodríguez Cabello. He is considered the leader of the criminal group that embezzled US$2 billion (R10 billion) from Venezuela’s largest stateowned company, Petróleos de Venezuela SA (PDVSA).

According to the newspaper EL PAÍS, the information was published in a confidential report by the intelligence unit of the Financial Institution of Andorra (Uifand).

Details of the investigation show that a front man for the criminal organization, using an inactive Panamanian company, transferred the amount to an account at Bank Sarasin in Switzerland that belonged to the Venezuelan couple who sold the property to Cabello.

“I support the transfer of $950,000 for the purchase of a property for Ms. Claudia Suárez,” the executive director of the Andorran financial institution said in a report.

Rodríguez Cabello carried out this transaction on February 11, 2010 from one of his accounts at Banco Privado de Andorra (BPA), which had been chosen to hide the transactions.

The purchase and sale agreement was signed by Claudia Paola Suárez together with the Venezuelan couple who owned the apartment. El País was unable to locate the model and the sellers of the property to obtain their versions of the investigation.

Source: Redação Terra