1696457085 Will Maria Corleone 2 be made Preview of the second

Will Maria Corleone 2 be made? Preview of the second season, Valsecchi and Curcio: plot already written

Maria Corleone 2 is a more than concrete hypothesis. The second season of the series with Rosa Diletta Rossi has already been written and, if Pier Silvio Berlusconi gives the green light, could appear on television as early as September 2024. The number of episodes could increase. Pietro Valsecchi and Mizio Curcio talk about it on Fanpage.it. All the secrets of the fiction beloved by audiences and critics and preview of the second season.

Maria Corleone 2, plot, filming and broadcast date of the second season

Maria Corleone 2, plot, filming and broadcast date of the second season

Maria Corleone 2 will happen? There Second season the fiction with Pink Diletta RossiFortunato Cerlino, Alessandro Fella and Vittorio Magazzù it is a more than concrete hypothesis. Pietro Valsecchi, who edited the script of the series, and the screenwriter Mizio Curcio, who created the series Plot Together with Paolo Marchesini, Graziano Diana and Giacomo Martelli, they explained to Fanpage.it that it is the second season it has already been written and waits green light from Pier Silvio Berlusconi. If the OK comes from Mediaset, things could continue Airing in September 2024. Meanwhile, Canale5 will air the highly anticipated show on Wednesday, October 4th Season finale the series that convinced critics and audiences. Mizio Curcio revealed what awaits uslast episode:

After her mother’s death, Maria will want revenge. She will also feel guilt because the attack was intended for her. So his anger is unleashed with a transversal revenge that surprisingly does not find his father’s support. Don Luciano knows that revenge would require more blood, and after his wife’s death he seems ready to stop. And then he doesn’t forget that his eight-year-old daughter had a gun in her hand. This demon must not be unleashed. Maria wants to inherit her father’s inheritance and run to become the boss of the bosses. Lady Corleone’s weak points that can challenge her evilness are her son Giovannino – who is kidnapped by the Calabrians – and Luca, her former partner. Deep down, Spada still loves her and wants to arrest her because he believes in her redemption. We will make an alliance between them, a tentative pact.

Will there be a second season of Maria Corleone or will the finale be a farewell?

Pietro Valsecchi: I have already written the sequel to this story. Sometimes I have doubts about some parts of the characters’ journey, but not much. I hope that the CEO, Dr. Pier Silvio Berlusconi, who has a passion for good stories, is allowing us to start the second season because he deserves it. I’m already thinking about the third season. I am confident that the second season would start with an 18% market share. It would be a shame not to.

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What can you tell me about the plot of the new episodes?

Mizio Curcio: Maria Corleone’s life becomes even more complicated. All I can say is that there will be a showdown between her and her father.

Pietro Valsecchi: The beginning of the second season is very powerful, I was also inspired by true stories. Our Lady Corleone is a person who would like to do something different, but remains entangled in her past, in her history, in her family, what is most important.

When could filming begin and when would “Maria Corleone 2” air?

PV: We could start filming between January and February so it will air in September 2024. I would rather do six episodes instead of four. The series is so strong.

Maria Corleone is played by Rosa Diletta Rossi

Rosa Diletta Rossi is Maria Corleone

Rosa Diletta Rossi is Maria Corleone

The Maria Corleone series was appreciated by both critics and audiences and rewarded with excellent ratings. How did the idea for the series come about?

PV: To create Maria Corleone, I started from an iconic character popular with the public, like Rosy Abate. Rosy Abate, in turn, was an offshoot of the anti-mafia force. In today’s television, so full of offers, I consider it essential to use consolidated products that become reference points for the public. Since Giulia Michelini was a little tired of playing Rosy Abate after so many years, I thought about changing and focusing on a very good actress like Rosa Diletta Rossi, with an equally strong imagination and an equally strong character comes out.

What do you think are the elements that made it successful?

PV: It’s a story full of great emotions, centered on the characters, especially Maria, who are faced with very strong existential decisions. Maria’s path is an homage to an absolute masterpiece like The Godfather, in which Michael Corleone, the son who seems most alien to Don Vito’s mafia logic, actually becomes the head of the family. All adapted to contemporary reality, with a narrative full of rhythm and twists that captivated the young audience (25% share of 15 to 34 year olds) and hit the commercial target group (17 to 18%).

I found the idea of ​​the Mafia using fashion as a means to expand their trade truly unprecedented.

MC: It was my idea agreed with Pietro. It goes back to a question we asked ourselves: How is it possible that the Mafia never got into a business worth 500 billion a year? The answer we gave ourselves is: there are too many spotlights, the mafia doesn’t care about the red carpet. This gave rise to Maria Corleone’s motto: “If you want to hide something, show it.”

Luca Spada and Maria Corleone played by Alessandro Fella and Rosa Diletta Rossi

Luca Spada and Maria Corleone played by Alessandro Fella and Rosa Diletta Rossi

The choice of Rosa Diletta Rossi for the role of Maria Corleone was particularly apt.

PV: It wasn’t easy to find a new Giulia Michelini and we found her in this very good actress. Rosa Diletta Rossi lives the character with a lot of feeling. It’s always true. She puts on her Lady Corleone dress and becomes Lady Corleone. It is also thanks to him that the series was popular and achieved important numbers even without big names like Raoul Bova or Claudio Amendola. I hope this series brings you happiness.

Maria Corleone, Pietro Valsecchi and Mizio Curcio reveal the secrets of fiction

Pietro Valsecchi and Mizio Curcio, they are behind Maria Corleone's success

Pietro Valsecchi and Mizio Curcio, they are behind Maria Corleone’s success

Did you draw inspiration from real events or did you seek the help of consultants?

PV: Lady Corleone is inspired by what is happening in this country. I compiled the story also thanks to anecdotes that friends and journalists told me.

MC: We spoke to police experts. Regarding the drugs-in-clothes gimmick, I had read a short article saying that a truck carrying clothes with drugs in them had been intercepted in the Balkans.

I particularly liked the character of Stefano Corleone, played by Vittorio Magazzù. It reminded me of Peppino Impastato.

MC: Yes, the radio scene is really a tribute to Peppino Impastato. Vittorio is very good.

Are there any scenes planned in the script that were cut?

MC: The scene of a priest with Don Luciano. The priest represented his conscience, the mafioso sought his approval: “Tell me I’m not wrong.” And the priest replied: “It’s not my place to judge, I’m just someone who listens.” One day you will you do math. It was cut because it slowed down the beginning a bit. Another scene that was deleted concerns the confrontation between Maria and Stella, who stole her sketches. First, Maria took a heel from her shoe and stuck it into his neck. We then decided to turn Stella into a blackmail weapon.

No problem with Stella’s nude scene?

MC: Originally Rosa Diletta Rossi was the protagonist of this scene. In discussions with the producer and director, we then felt it was inappropriate to portray Maria as a person willing to use her body as a weapon of blackmail. We didn’t want to cross that line because it didn’t fit the character.

The most sensitive scene?

MC: When Mary says, “This child probably shouldn’t be born.” I also got complaints from my mother (laughs, editor’s note). An unpleasant sentence that risks making the audience no longer able to empathize with the protagonist, but in reality Maria becomes aware that she lives in a corrupt environment and knows that the birth of an heir would mean that she is in it She got stuck in a labyrinth that she would never be able to get out of. In the end, he decides to keep the child and entrust it to his sister, who is, at least apparently, the cleanest person.

Maria Corleone, heiress of Rosy Abate

Rosa Diletta Rossi plays Maria Corleone, Giulia Michelini plays Rosy Abate

Rosa Diletta Rossi plays Maria Corleone, Giulia Michelini plays Rosy Abate

When we talk about the mafia, the accusation is that it makes crime glamorous and fascinating. Gabriele Salvatores recently stated that art must be free of ethics and morals. What do you think about it?

PV: I think you’re right. Art must be free, it must not have any gags. I also think tools should be used intelligently. We don’t have to interpret the story, but we can show it and then you decide which side you’re on. Of course, if you are fascinated by a mafioso, it means that something is wrong in the country, in the education that needs to be passed on from generation to generation.

I think it’s also a big challenge for you to make the audience empathize with the villain.

MC: For me, the protagonist is like a lioness, a protective, ruthless hunter animal. When a child is taken away from her or she is looking for a new area to make her way in, she is forced to cross the savannah and meets someone worse than her in the savannah. Thus, the audience sides with the protagonist, even though she is a character that should neither be imitated nor glorified. For example, Maria’s first act of violence was to defend her sister from rape at the age of eight. In real life you would have to go to the police, but in this anti-hero game it is allowed.

And then in the fiction you create there is never a beatification of the villain, but rather you show the price he pays for his decisions.

MC: Of course, Maria’s descent is into hell. She lost her twin brother, she had to leave her son, she lost the man she loved, then her mother, she has a drug addict brother who betrays the family, her father doesn’t respect her. Maria is a seemingly irredeemable figure.

Giulia Michelini with Pietro Valsecchi and Mizio Curcio

Giulia Michelini with Pietro Valsecchi and Mizio Curcio

While Maria Corleone was on air, the hashtag Rosy Abate was also trending on X. The fact that the audience is still so attached to this character you created flatters you or makes you want to tell them, “Enough, get over it, get over it.”

PV: “Enough, get over it,” says Giulia Michelini (laughs, editor’s note). She was tired of this role. He wanted to break ties with this character. But I understand that every actor is curious to interpret new stories. I have known her for many years, I love her very much, she grew up with us, she knows my family. I hope she does a lot of good because she is an extraordinary actress.

MC: I pay a lot of attention to commentary and technical analysis, so I noticed Rosy Abate is trending. I also wrote to Giulia Michelini: “With Rosy Abate we are on trend, even if you are not there.” She was happy because she is part of the family anyway. I would like to do a crossover between Rosy Abate and Maria Corleone. The only problem would be that Vittorio Magazzù is both Rosy Abate’s son and Maria Corleone’s brother. Then I want to develop “The Origins of Evil” and tell the story of Rosy Abate’s youth, where it all began. Even a good return from Calcaterra wouldn’t be bad. Maybe just a movie.

And what can you tell me about the Patriarca series? First the second season was announced, then the cancellation and finally the series with Claudio Amendola was reconfirmed.

MC: There were some doubts, but the most important thing is that it will be done in the end. We have finished writing the second season. There is ongoing discussion about the scripts with Claudio Amendola. I can assume that there will be a new enemy for Nemo Bandera who comes from the past, it will be a big challenge. Given the numbers the series has achieved, it would have been a crime not to do a second season.