Arthur the Adventurer 182 songs later hes just getting started

Arthur the Adventurer: 182 songs later, he’s just getting started

54-year-old François Tremblay has now written 182 songs in the 28 years since he took on the role of Arthur L’aventurier, but having made the planet his film set, he doesn’t see the day when he will Giving up everything will be his famous orange sweater, his guitar and his passport.

“I feel like I’m starting,” notes the man, who is preparing to launch his new musical film and tour “Treasures of Morocco” a few days apart.

About ten years ago, after touring Quebec and Canada, Arthur L’aventurier decided to satisfy his desire to travel around the world and share it with children through music and images. In addition to Morocco, he visited Australia, the Rocky Mountains, Costa Rica and Africa.

“I’m constantly renewing myself,” he says, “and I’m doing it for myself because I’m going to places I’ve never been before.” I really don’t feel like I’ve done the trick. I could feel it if I were a traditional children’s singer singing about brushing your teeth before bed, but I wasn’t there. »

Meeting with the Moroccan people

His latest crush? The desert, the souks and the rich culture of Morocco, a Maghreb country whose true value is not recognized by tourists from Quebec, believes François Tremblay.

“Even in my own family, people are hesitant to go to Morocco. They have preconceived ideas about the Moroccan people. However, I found her to be so friendly, so warm, respectful, so open and generous. »

“If I had to sum up the film, it would be the encounter. It’s a bit like a road movie, I drove to places without planning and we filmed. I high-fived people and we hugged. »

The artist and traveler enjoyed the experience so much that two months after filming, he returned to Morocco as a family with his wife and two adult daughters. “They were seduced,” he says.

After the earthquake

The only downside is that a deadly earthquake has just devastated part of the country. Luckily: “I spoke to everyone I knew there the next day and everyone was safe. »

However, this is the second time in a row that disaster has struck a land featured in a film by Arthur The Adventurer. In the winter of 2020, gigantic forest fires devastated large parts of Australia, just as Arthur The Adventurer was starting “At World’s End” in Australia.

“It’s strange,” he admits.

However, that won’t stop him from continuing to explore the planet. On his next adventures he would also like to travel to some Asian countries.

  • The film The Treasures of Morocco will be available on October 13th. Performance on October 22nd at the Salle Albert-Rousseau in Quebec and on March 8th and 9th at the Place des Arts in Montreal.