Gigi Proietti is missing from everyone from family members to colleagues to his many fans. But a year after his disappearance comes a revelation
It was November 2, 2020, the day when Gigi Proiettibreathed that outlast breath. Although more than a year has passed, there are still many today dramatic background who see him as a protagonist.
It is the very day that should be dedicated commemoration of the dead, Gigi Proietti leave this world forever. There are numerous familiar faces in the entertainment world who are saying goodbye to an essential part of their lives, an actor who he gave a lot to many.
From that day on, all his fans have wondered how it was Cause of death of Gigi Proietti. To clarify it is the doctor and radiologist, Fabrizio Lucherinia man who works directly in the clinic where Gigi Proietti was hospitalized in his last days of life.
A background on Gigi Proietti
It was he himself who revealed this as an actor for many years suffered from heart disease. An illness that led to him being hospitalized on October 17, 2020 very serious conditions. He had been hospitalized in the past for the same reason, although his condition wasn’t as bad as last time. And so the doctor was faced with a very worrying health situation in which the heart that didn’t work the way it used to, he created one decompensation throughout the rest of his body.
And that’s why caused death of the beloved actor, a man who left all his fans for one heart attack. A name whose death has left a void in the lives of all of us, but especially those who were close to him to the end. One of them is definitely Enrico Brignanoan actor who trained Gigi Proietti himself and to whom he owes his career.
In fact, it is he who has suffered greatly from the loss of his beloved Gigi, as well great friend. More than a year after his death, he shares a sentence on his Instagram profile committed only one Gigi Proietti. A character not easily forgotten. “A year has already passed… and it doesn’t seem true that you are no longer here. We miss you so much Giggi”.
And that’s how it still is today addresses a thought to Proietti. actor who wrote the story the world of cinema, and to come remembered many more generations.