1696473510 Trapped in runaway electric car and forced to collide with

Trapped in runaway electric car and forced to collide with police: Terrifying

“I was kidnapped by my electric car that ran out of control,” explained the British driver who was involved in the unpleasant accident in Scotland. The intervention of Scottish Police was essential to slow him down and stop him.

Trapped in runaway electric car and forced to collide with

Trapped in his moving electric carwith no way to stop, was a British driver forced to collide with a police vehicle. It happened last Sunday on the streets of Scotland, where only the intervention of officers with several police cars allowed the man to get out safe and sound. The protagonist of the story is Brian Morrison, a 54-year-old from Glasgow who returned home on Sunday evening.

It was around 10.30pm and the man was on his way home from work along a road north of Glasgow when he was noticed near a roundaboutI noticed that his car wasn’t braking. “When I came to a roundabout I realized something was wrong and I decided to slow down but couldn’t. Then I heard a loud grinding noise, but since it was a new car, I didn’t think it could have these problems.” He, the man, told the local newspapers.

1696473502 827 Trapped in runaway electric car and forced to collide with

The 54-year-old has been there ever since forced to jump red lights and avoid cars and roundabouts and it was only by chance that there was no accident. In fact, the car seemed to have gone crazy: the brakes didn’t work, but even without accelerating the car didn’t stop. “Plus, I have problems with mobility, so I couldn’t even jump out: I was completely trapped inside “The car is going 30 miles per hour,” the man added.

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Fortunately, the speed was not very high, just under 50 km/h, and there was little traffic, so he was able to avoid all dangers. “It may not seem like a high speed, but when you don’t have the speed under control and you’re completely stuck inside It’s scary” said the 54-year-old.

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The man managed to contact the police by phone, and they immediately sent three police cars from the station, which were in front and behind Brian’s car. The police tried to stop him safely, The maneuver lasted a quarter of an hour before the man finally crashed into an officer’s van, thanks in part to a roundabout.

“I still have no idea what happened, But when the mechanic arrived and plugged the car in to do a diagnostic check, he said he had never seen anything like it,” the motorist explained. The company that manufactured the car immediately contacted Mr. Morrison to have your vehicle repaired and fully inspected to find the problem.