Bus what was it called at the beginning The name

Bus, what was it called at the beginning? The name was slightly different ​​Alla Guida

Buses are one of the most commonly used means of transportation, but not everyone knows the origin of this name.

Sometimes it’s nice to stop and think about the meaning and origins of words, especially the most common ones that we use so often that they have become a daily part of our language. We all used one bus and there are still many who use it to travel to their workplace.

Bus (AllaGuida)

There are many categories to classify the buses, the latter starting with the smallest category, i.e. H minibuses and midibuses, The latter offers space for a maximum of 30 people. They are very often used in the mountains for often restricted movements and on roads that are not too busy.

In larger cities, such as London, it will have happened to everyone instead of being able to admire what is now famous and well known Double-decker bus. In this case we are rather dealing with means that serve exclusively to be able to admire the local beauties. Therefore, they are purely touristic in nature and are very difficult for commuters to use.

The classic bus, on the other hand, is the one that is most often used privately and is used for journeys of more or less length. Fans who need to go away to follow their favorite team or Together People who organize events for their population are now used to traveling by these means of transport.

Therefore, the reasons that can lead to using a bus are very different and varied. However, very few people know why this name is being abolished and that wasn’t the case in the beginning.

From “Omnibus” to “Autobus”: the evolution of the name

For the first time in human history, people started talking about public transportation Nineteenth century. There is no exact location as the originators of this idea are French, English and German, but the name did not come about by chance.

Bus (Ansa – AllaGuida)

At the beginning it was said “Omnibus” and the first time we remember it happened in 1825. On that occasion was the Creator Stanislas Baudry, The latter was in a suburb of Nantes, France, and had decided to build a mill. All citizens could have supplied themselves with drinking water, but it was a shame that the area was considered remote for many.

That’s it Baudry He decided to create the first boat in history and it ended up in the Monsieur Omnes shop. For this reason, the name “Omnes Omnibus” was soon created. In Latin it means “Everything for everybody” and hence from that moment the name was born “Omnibus”.

This is why the term “omnibus” was born and as automobiles became more widespread, this term became more popular over time “Bus”. It is therefore not known exactly where he was first born, however the paternity of this common name is known.