The governor of Russia’s Kursk region, Roman Starovoit, accused the Ukrainian army on Thursday, October 5, of dropping cluster munitions on the city of Rylsk. “A woman was injured by shrapnel and was taken to the hospital,” the governor wrote on Telegram. The use of these weapons supplied by the United States is very controversial, as the allegations spread by them can cause many civilian casualties. Russia had denounced these deliveries, although, according to numerous witnesses and independent organizations, its army also uses them in Ukraine. Follow our live stream.
Zelensky in Spain. Ukraine’s president announced Thursday that he was in Granada, southern Spain, for a summit of nearly 50 European leaders. “The key for us, especially before winter, is strengthening air defense, and we already have the basis for new agreements with our partners,” which now “must be confirmed and implemented,” Volodymyr Zelensky wrote on Telegram.
New night attacks. The Ukrainian army announced on Thursday morning that it had shot down 24 of the 29 explosive drones launched by Russia. These Iranian-made Shahed aircraft were fired from eastern Crimea, a Ukrainian peninsula annexed by Moscow, before being shot down in southern and central Ukraine, the army reported. Ukrainian broadcast on Telegram.
American aid “worries” Joe Biden. The political crisis in Washington could jeopardize American aid to Ukraine, Joe Biden suggested for the first time. As the US Congress votes on its annual budget, elected Republicans are against a new financial framework to finance support for Kiev. “That worries me,” the US President said on Wednesday. “But I know that there are a majority of elected officials in the House and Senate of both parties who have said they support funding aid to Ukraine,” he said. -he adds. He also promised a “big speech” on the subject.
Britain blames Russia to consider attacking civilian ships in the Black Sea with sea mines to prevent the export of Ukrainian grain. Moscow “will certainly want to avoid openly sinking civilian ships and will unfairly blame Ukraine for any attack,” the British Foreign Office adds.