USA, Biden restarts the wall with Mexico: OK for another 32 kilometers | "The wall doesn’t work, but I couldn’t stop the funds from being used"

October 05, 2023 15:29

The current administration will “bypass” 26 federal laws, including some environmental laws, to extend the barrier into the Rio Grande Valley. Trump: “I was right, I’m waiting for an apology”


The USA is restarting the wall project on the border with Mexico. The Biden administration will “circumvent” 26 federal laws. (some on environmental issues). another 32 kilometers of wall in the Rio Grande Valleyuse Ad hoc funds already exist “The wall doesn’t work, but I couldn’t stop the use of the money,” said the American president. The move was decided to deal with growth Migrant emergencysparked protest Ecologists and also carries the risk of eliciting criticism from the democratic left humanitarian front. “I was right, I’m waiting for Biden’s apology,” Trump commented.

The extension of the wall between the USA and Mexico The construction will affect Starr County, Texas, which is part of a busy sector with a “high number of illegal entries.” According to the U.S. government, about 245,000 illegal entries were recorded in the Rio Grande Valley sector, which includes 21 counties, in 2023. “There is currently an acute and immediate need to establish physical barriers near the U.S. border to prevent illegal entry into the United States in the project areas,” said Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

For Biden, the wall “doesn’t work,” but he is funding it The US president said the wall on the border with Mexico was “not effective,” but also said he could not object to the use of the funds provided. “I tried to get them to redirect the money. They haven’t done it and they won’t do it. In the meantime, according to the law, you cannot do anything other than use the money for the purpose for which it was used. I can’t stop it.

The laws are “ignored” to create the barrier The Clean Air Act, the Safe Drinking Water Act and the Endangered Species Act are some of the federal laws the Department of Homeland Security waived to allow construction. Waivers avoid lengthy reviews and lawsuits that could challenge violations of environmental laws. During the Trump administration, about 450 miles (about 724 kilometers) of barriers were constructed along the southwest border between 2017 and January 2021. Wednesday’s decision by the US Department of Homeland Security contrasts with the position of the Biden administration, which declared an end to wall construction on January 20, 2021, declaring that “construction of a massive wall that encompasses the entire South.” There is no border serious policy solution.” In a statement released Wednesday, U.S. Customs and Border Protection said the project was consistent with the 2021 proclamation. “Congress appropriated fiscal year 2019 appropriations to construct a border barrier in the Rio Grande Valley, and DHS is committed to using these funds for their intended purposes,” the statement said. CBP “remains committed to protecting the nation’s cultural and natural resources and will implement sound environmental practices within the scope of the project covered by this waiver.”

Trump’s answer Will Joe Biden “apologize to me and America for taking so long to move and allowing our country to be flooded with 15 million illegal immigrants from unknown places?” On his social network Truth, Donald Trump claims the idea and the Priority of the wall over Mexico, adding: “It is so interesting to see corrupt Joe Biden breaking every environmental law to prove that I was right when I built 560 miles (in history) is being misread 450) brand new, beautiful wall on the border with Mexico. “As I have said many times, over the millennia only two things have always worked: wheels and walls.”

Refugee Emergency, American Task Force in Mexico Meanwhile, the White House has sent a government task force to Mexico to address the refugee emergency as part of annual security talks. The US team includes Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Attorney General Merrick Garland and Homeland Security Advisor Liz Sherwood-Randall. Eric Adams, the Democratic mayor of New York, a “sanctuary city” for migrants overwhelmed by a wave of arrivals, also took action. The mayor of the Big Apple will travel to Mexico, Colombia and Ecuador to prevent new travel: “We are at the limit of capacity.” There are currently around 63,000 migrants in New York’s reception facilities.



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