1696578870 Because of Trumps indiscretion secrets about nuclear submarines were

Because of Trump’s indiscretion, secrets about nuclear submarines were exposed

In 2021, Donald Trump was reported to have leaked confidential information about US nuclear submarines to an Australian businessman. Bloomberg/Bloomberg via Getty Images In 2021, Donald Trump was reported to have passed classified information about US nuclear submarines to an Australian businessman.

Bloomberg/Bloomberg via Getty Images

In 2021, Donald Trump was reported to have leaked confidential information about US nuclear submarines to an Australian businessman.

UNITED STATES – This information shouldn’t be shared, but that hasn’t stopped Donald Trump. Shortly after leaving the White House, the former president of the United States leaked confidential information about American nuclear submarines to an Australian businessman, who rushed to repeat those confidences to several dozen other people, ABC News and the New reported York Times this Thursday October 5th.

The scene occurred in April 2021 at the former president’s residence at Mar-a-Lago in Florida, a club where Australian Anthony Pratt is also a member, this media report, citing unidentified sources. While billionaire Donald Trump pointed out that he thinks Australia should start buying its submarines from the United States, the former president couldn’t keep his mouth shut.

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He then not only confided that Australia was preparing to purchase American submarines, but also revealed how many nuclear warheads these devices usually carry and from what distance they can approach their Russian counterparts without being detected.

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Anthony Pratt, who runs one of the world’s largest cardboard packaging companies, then shared that information with dozens of other people: at least 45, according to ABC News, including employees of his company, journalists and Australian officials, including former prime ministers.

According to the two media outlets, Anthony Pratt was interviewed on the subject by federal investigators who are working on the file on the alleged negligent management of dozens of confidential documents by Donald Trump after his departure from the White House, which the ex-president will be in charge of in May 2024 to be tried in Florida. According to the same sources, Donald Trump’s exchange with this businessman could endanger the American nuclear fleet.

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ABC News states that Anthony Pratt indicated during his interviews with federal investigators that he did not know whether Donald Trump was serious or whether he was bragging, but that investigators asked him not to repeat that information, suggesting that that they may be too sensitive to be released to the public.

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