You will never be afraid of wolves again after reading

You will never be afraid of wolves again after reading the results of this incredible research BioPianeta

Fear of wolves

Always feared, you are finally no longer afraid of wolves. The results of a recent study will leave you speechless

Myths and legends surround it Wolf figures. Charming, majestic and proud, they are one of the animal breeds closest to dogs. They live in packs and are difficult to separate. Everyone protects everyone, but the fear of these creatures is still very great today. There are some dog breeds like the husky or the Czechoslovakian wolf who naturally resemble wolves. At this point, some research has revealed some truly surprising results: as of today Nobody will be afraid of them anymore.

Thanks to the study of various research, it has been found that many wolves are capable of this bind to people just like domestic dogs. A revelation that contradicts popular belief, but it appears that they are capable of bonding with humans, just like their four-legged “cousins.” The study was led by Stockholm University and was also published in the journal Ecology and Evolution. It included a group of 10 European gray wolf pups and 12 Alaskan husky puppies. Animals were monitored from birth until 23 weeks of age.

From today on, don’t worry: wolves are just as affectionate as dogs

To analyze the different Wolf pups and dogsthe researchers used different methods. Including the ability to gradually insert different objects into the environment without interfering with their training. Over time, the different litters have grown steadily monitored by staff. Based on the evidence examined, it appears that the wolves have gradually become accustomed to the staff’s presence.

Wolves – (

Apparently both dogs and wolf pups have managed to develop one loving connection with their tutors. More specifically, from those who devoted time and attention to it. Just like you do in a group, like with a “family” person. The group of animals was exposed to various sources of stress and interactions such as games and moments of affectionate interaction. The study found that the presence of a familiar person acted as a means to achieve this Halve and control tension and stress.

Therefore, the result of the research questions any kind of social convention and finds that this is the case the attachment instinct During the domestication phase of wolves, this is an innate ability and it is possible to develop a trusting and loving relationship between wolves and humans. Undoubtedly, research will continue to confirm that from today it is possible to no longer be afraid of wolves.

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