Canoeists are surprised as whale and calf approach Incredible encounter

Canoeists are surprised as whale and calf approach: “Incredible encounter ; Watch video

Canoeists are surprised when whales and calves approach

Canoeists are surprised when whales and calves approach

Photo: Reproduction/Instagram/@issydphoto

Four people were surprised by the approach of a whale and its calf while kayaking in the waters of Byron Bay, Australia.

The shot was taken by aerial photographer Isabella Dobozy and shared on her Instagram this week. “A very close encounter for these kayakers in Byron Bay. It’s incredible to see the size of the whale calf compared to the kayak,” the pro wrote.

In the pictures you can see that at a certain point the puppy hits his tail on the bottom of the kayak. Regard:

Whale and calf surprise as they swim near kayakers in Australia

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The photographer also told MCClatchy News that the people were in a location about 150 to 180 meters from the coast. “The whales swam past the kayakers but turned around to get another look,” Isabella said.

In the comments, followers were happy about the video. “So magical,” said one. “This is unreal,” said another. A third wrote: “Stunning pictures, what an incredible find.”

In some messages, users also asked if kayakers were breaking the law, but Isabella stated that it was the whales that were approaching people, not the other way around.

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Source: Redação Terra