1696622557 Killed by a truck Dreams are cut short to avoid

Killed by a truck: Dreams are cut short “to avoid traffic”

On September 12, 2019, Petya Chivieva walked peacefully on Champlain Boulevard, her head full of dreams and projects. “But nothing will come of it,” her partner said, touched by the comments on the verdict of the truck driver who fatally mowed down the 31-year-old pedestrian by reaching onto the sidewalk.

• Also read: He hit a woman on Champlain Boulevard: A trucker pleads guilty to dangerous driving causing death

• Also read: Old Port: More than $500,000 to correct a dangerous curve

Four years ago, Pierre-Olivier Buist’s world collapsed and the man still struggles to accept the tragedy that unfolded.

Killed by a truck Dreams are cut short to avoid

Petya Chevieva, killed by truck driver Rejean Houde on Champlain Boulevard on September 12, 2019. Photo credit: Courtoisie, Courtoisie family

“I wonder what to do with this remaining existence,” the spouse of the victim of Réjean Houde, a truck driver who admitted his guilt after being charged with dangerous driving causing death, told the court.

“I try to tell myself that there is no doubt that I still have joy and happiness ahead of me. But it disgusts me to know that I can’t share it with her who has given me so much.

Lives destroyed

Petya Chivieva, of Bulgarian origin, had built a great life for herself in Quebec, her partner recalled on Friday. The 31-year-old woman was employed at the Desjardins Solidarity Economy Fund, became involved in various causes, fell in love and was full of projects.

“We were looking for a house, a home to make our orchids bloom, and soon a family,” said Pierre-Olivier Buist, before taking a long pause, the kind that has filled his life since September 2019 .

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Archive photo, QMI Agency (Marc Vallières)

Instead of living that ideal, Mr Buist instead brought his partner’s ashes back to his parents in Bulgaria, a “beyond painful” experience.

The family, her father Rosen, her mother Ralitsa and her sister Yuliana, wrote a letter to the court reminding them that Petya Chivieva believed that rules must be followed.

“Yet she died in circumstances where it was obvious that the rules were not being followed. It is so unfair.”

Three bans were ignored

As the victim’s sister-in-law pointed out Friday, on September 12, 2019, Réjean Houde “knowingly disregarded three very clear prohibitions indicating that he committed a violation” by driving his more than 60-foot-long double-track truck on the Champlain Boulevard.

The defendant admitted on Friday that he wanted to avoid traffic on the Henri-IV motorway, although he was aware of the bans on passage in the Petit-Champlain sector.

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Réjean Houde, trucker, guilty of dangerous driving causing death at the Quebec courthouse on October 6, 2023. The trucker mowed down Petya Rosenova Chivieva on Champlain Boulevard on September 12, 2019, trapping the pedestrian between the fence of a 90-degree curve, his juggernaut leaving him no chance. Photo credit: Pierre-Paul Biron, Journal de Québec Photo credit: Pierre-Paul Biron, Journal de Québec

“By wanting to save a little time, Réjean Houde deprived Petya Chivieva of all the time he had left,” argued Crown prosecutor Jean-Simon Larouche.

As he entered the 90-degree turn typical of this sector, the trucker said he never saw Petya Chivieva on the sidewalk. Video of the accident presented as evidence shows that the woman had no luck and was caught against a fence before landing under the monster’s rear wheels.

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Screenshot, video provided by the court

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Screenshot, video provided by the court

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Screenshot, video provided by the court

“I regret it enormously,” said Réjean Houde through tears on Friday. “I should never have gone through this. […] This person had the right to live like everyone else, but I didn’t see it.”

Comments on the sentence

What is the value of this terrible decision that “only produced losers,” as Geneviève Buist, the victim’s sister-in-law, pointed out?

For the Crown, a 12-month prison sentence coupled with a three-year driving ban would be appropriate.

“This offense could have easily been avoided,” emphasized Me Jean-Simon Larouche.

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Marc Vallieres/QMI Agency

The defense also suggested that the judge impose a 12-month prison sentence, but this should be served in the community. Charles Levasseur also imposed a one-year driving ban.

“What may seem lenient at first glance is not, if we are aware that there are strict and restrictive conditions in relation to freedoms,” recalled Me Levasseur, emphasizing that “the prerogative of rigor is not ‘ no permanent detention’.”

Judge Christian Boulet deliberated on the case and will make his decision on the verdict on January 22nd.

Excerpts from the witness statements

“Petya died suddenly and violently, unable to speak without someone holding her hand due to her injuries. Alone. Nobody deserves this. […] It’s hard to understand the whole thing. Life without her outrages me” – Pierre-Olivier Buist, wife of Petya Chivieva.

“It seems to me that with your ruling you need to send a clear message to all truck drivers who are tempted to go about their daily lives or defy bans. They cannot ignore the rules that ensure their safety, but above all that of others” – Geneviève Buist, sister-in-law of the victim.

“Four years have passed since the darkest day of our lives. […] Sometimes we still want to believe that it didn’t happen, that it was a terrible dream. We cannot accept the terrible truth” – Rosen, Ralitsa and Yuliana Chivieva, the victim’s family.

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