1696656503 This album has rekindled me – Fanny Bloom on her

“This album has rekindled me” – Fanny Bloom on her new work “Holistique”

Things had been going fast for a long time when Fanny Bloom had to slow down. This time away from the music, which took on the atmosphere of a “big storm of positive and negative”, allowed him to find himself differently to better return to us with the sparkling album Holistic. Discussion.

Why “holistic”? “First I would like to say that I do not belong to any cult! », jokes the 37-year-old artist. This word, which actually means to be interested in an object as a whole, describes well what led Fanny Bloom to her new album.

After years full of projects, the diagnosis of a genetic syndrome that is expressed in the song “Les Energies Folles”, and the tour for the album “Liqueur” that started in 2018, the artist wanted to take a break. “I told myself I would clarify my thoughts. »

Shortly afterwards, Fanny Bloom became pregnant. “It all happened at once. It was a big storm full of positives and negatives. When I became a mother, I was suddenly very afraid of death. That my child exists in a world in which I am no longer. We were locked down due to COVID, with no help, and it got really intense. » It was also the beginning of a beautiful love story with her son, which she tells in the song “Le ciel te”.

“In order to refocus, I had to find meaning. The word “holistic” came up. I felt like telling myself that we are all connected might ease this fear of dying. I am also my child and he is also me. The lyrics “I will Swallow You / To Keep You Forever” that we hear on the album’s title track… That’s exactly the idea. It’s not that esoteric (laughs…). It’s mostly a reflection from me to calm my nerves,” she explains with a laugh.

This long process allowed him to reconnect with music. “We sent the little one to daycare and I quietly went back to the piano. I gave my body and mind time to readjust to the “frequencies of the universe” so that inspiration could return. And it worked! »

New bases

The machine starts up again, there is no rush. “It took me about a year and a half to create this album. It gave me time to think, change direction and listen to myself. Without hurry. No one was waiting for me on the street corner asking me when I was going to release new stuff! ” she says, laughing.

Fanny Bloom not only switched to the Audiogram label, but also decided to produce her album for the very first time. “As long as we change the energy!” (Laughs…). It taught me a lot about business. I have a very Cartesian side and am very good with cash. I was completely ready. And I’m well surrounded. I had no responsibility other than myself. I think that’s the key to this album too. »

“This album has rekindled me” – Fanny Bloom on her new work “Holistique”

Thierry Laforce / QMI Agency

Despite all these changes, Fanny Bloom made a safe bet by continuing her collaboration with Thomas Hébert (Valaire, Qualité Motel), also her long-time partner, who signed her to produce Holistique.

“It was very smooth. It never stops being awesome! It was good for our couple to find themselves in a creative project after the pandemic and after the baby was born. Thomas, I think it’s good and relevant. Very attentive. It doesn’t stagnate. When I started the album I said to him, “Okay, Thomas. It must feel good,” while I played him dramatic lyrics at full volume. He said, “Okay, wait a minute.” » (Laughs…)

The shimmering and melancholic, often touching texts take on a different color under the touch of Thomas Hébert. We already suspect that the waddle won’t be too far away when we listen to these electro-pop songs, some of which are surrounded by strings, where the light shines despite everything. Disco even makes loud, happy performances. “It’s about listening to Clara Luciani’s album Cœur Encore… I really listened to it a lot. This is a life changer! I wanted that atmosphere. If these dance sounds make me feel good, I told myself that I can’t be the only one. »

As Holistique begins its introduction, Fanny Bloom appears to be reinvigorated. “It was the work that rekindled the spark. I reconnected with a part of me that was perhaps a little off. This music allowed me to rediscover the magic I had when I was younger, loving my songs and wanting them to come out. To do them with all your heart. It has brought shine back to my career and my life. »

Holistic will be available on October 6th. Opening show on November 10th as part of Coup de cœur Francophone. For full details click here.