Jean Philippe Dion says he missed his 40th birthday surprise by

Jean-Philippe Dion says he missed his 40th birthday “surprise” – TVA Nouvelles

As he prepares to celebrate his 40th birthday on October 7th, Jean-Philippe Dion saw his friends and colleagues organizing a party for him… but he didn’t show up!

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We know that Jean-Philippe Dion is a busy man, and that statement has proven even more true in recent weeks as the presenter prepares to resume filming the next season of The true nature.

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To focus on the upcoming work rush, the soon-to-be forty-year-old took Thursday off to work at home. But what he didn’t know was that his colleagues were waiting for him at the office to celebrate his birthday.

Result? To his own “surprise,” the birthday child didn’t show up.

It was the main person who shared the anecdote on his Facebook page and published a video that his colleagues sent him wishing him a happy birthday.

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“I missed my Christmas party at work. Every year around my birthday I find myself in a professional whirlwind. Yesterday I decided to isolate myself to concentrate on my preparations for the filming of “La vérité nature” and missed my party organized by my wonderful colleagues from Productions Déferlantes. You are special. I am lucky to work with people like you. My 40th birthday will hurt less tomorrow.”

We would like to take this opportunity to wish Jean-Philippe Dion a happy birthday!

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