You campaign for peace for Israelis and Palestinians in France

You campaign for peace for Israelis and Palestinians in France

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“Let us respect international law and all UN resolutions,” he stressed, referring to decisions in the multilateral entity that support the existence of a Palestinian state alongside its Israeli neighbor in peace and with predetermined borders, borders that are often cited. Those that existed before 1967.

Roussel unreservedly rejected the attack by the Palestinian Hamas militia from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory, arguing that it “directly targets Israeli civilians and makes the war worse.”

Hamas surprised the Israeli army this Saturday – 50 years after the October 1973 war – with a major offensive that led to retaliatory bombings of Gaza, leaving hundreds dead and injured on both sides of the border.

For his part, the leader of France Insoumise, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, warned that all the violence unleashed against Israel and Gaza proves only one thing: “Violence only reproduces itself.”

The two peoples should live side by side in peace and security; the solution is for the two states to comply with UN resolutions, said the multiple presidential candidate himself on Channel X.

Mélenchon called on France to work for a ceasefire at the political and diplomatic levels.

French leaders, including President Macron and Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne, condemned the Hamas attack and expressed support for Tel Aviv.

The president said he spoke with President Isaac Herzog and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and expressed his support for them.

In view of the ongoing hostilities, Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin ordered security to be strengthened in the country, in schools and Jewish places of worship.
