1696713169 Nagorno Karabakh UN asks for almost 100 million to help

Nagorno Karabakh: UN asks for almost $100 million to help refugees in Armenia

“We call on the international community to urgently support refugees and their hosts,” said Filippo Grandi, who heads the Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees.

War in Ukraine At least five people are killed in

Published on July 10, 2023 5:46 p.m. Updated on July 10, 2023 6:04 p.m

Reading time: 1 minRefugees from Nagorno-Karabakh arrive in Goris, Armenia on September 29, 2023.  (ANTHONY PIZZOFERRATO / MIDDLE EAST IMAGES / AFP)

Refugees from Nagorno-Karabakh arrive in Goris, Armenia on September 29, 2023. (ANTHONY PIZZOFERRATO / MIDDLE EAST IMAGES / AFP)

The UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) requested nearly $100 million on Saturday, October 7, to assist Nagorno-Karabakh refugees in Armenia and those who host them. The Armenia Emergency Response Plan for Refugees (RRP) runs until the end of March and brings together 60 partners, including 43 national NGOs, UNHCR emphasizes in a press release.

The aim is to help around 231,000 people, including 136,000 refugees and 95,000 members of local host communities. In addition, there are 35,000 additional refugees, asylum seekers and stateless persons who have already stayed in Armenia. After a lightning offensive by Azerbaijani forces in September, almost the entire Armenian population fled the self-proclaimed Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh to Armenia.

“Decisive” international support

“We call on the international community to urgently support the refugees and their hosts,” emphasized Filippo Grandi, who heads the UNHCR and knows from experience that it has been difficult to raise sufficient funds since the invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. Although local communities and the Armenian authorities have been generous, “international support is crucial to sustain this welcome and enable us to respond to the immediate needs and harness the resilience of this population,” he added High Commissioner added.

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