Thousands of revelers in Israel flee into the desert after

Thousands of revelers in Israel flee into the desert after the outbreak of war BLICK

“The noise of the rocket sounded like music”

Thousands of revelers flee to the desert after the attack

When Hamas terrorists attacked Israel, a party was taking place near the Gaza Strip. Thousands of revelers fled into the desert – many of whom are still missing.

Published: 8:04 pm


Updated: 10:01 p.m.


Here people are running away from a party area.

Thousands of people gathered in the desert near the Gaza Strip on Friday night to party the night away. While revelers were still enjoying the loud music on Saturday morning, a different sound suddenly emerged: the sound of rockets fired at Israel by Palestinian terrorists.

“The noise of the rocket initially seemed like part of the music,” one of the party attendees explained to Israel’s Channel 12. “But suddenly we felt bullets around us,” the man said. He and his friends then tried to get to their vehicles. As a result, there was a bottleneck at the output.

Mass panic broke out

Noya Reuven (20) was also at the party. She told the Times of Israel that there was mass panic following the shooting. All partygoers ran to their vehicles as rockets could be heard above their heads.

More about the current situation in Israel

Once in his vehicle, Reuven tried for two hours to leave the field where the cars were parked. Finally she managed to turn into a small side street. There she picked up some before driving to a city further away in the Gaza Strip.

A woman named Ester was also at the party. When trying to leave the event, her car was shot at and destroyed. A man in a Jeep offered to give her a ride, Esther told Channel 12.

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Pretended to be dead for two hours

The driver was shot on the way – the jeep fell into a hole. Next to the unconscious driver, Esther and her friend pretended to be dead for two hours until they heard soldiers speaking Hebrew, who took them to the nearest hospital.

According to Channel 12, volunteers from a local organization compiled a list of party attendees. Dozens of people are still missing, a volunteer said. Meanwhile, security forces could have taken control of the area where the party took place. (obviously)