Lebanon calls for pressure on Israel to stop attacks on

Lebanon calls for pressure on Israel to stop attacks on Palestine

In his Christians.

At the same time, he advocated the establishment of the Palestinian state with its capital in Jerusalem and the return of Palestinian refugees to their homeland.

The institution warned that the failure to find a just, lasting and comprehensive solution to end the occupation of Arab territories and resolve the Palestinian issue endangers international peace and security.

In this message, the meeting of Lebanese parties, forces and personalities affirmed that the operation demonstrated the will, initiative and ability of the resistance to defeat the occupation and free Palestine from the abomination of the Zionists.

In a statement, the group confirmed that the resistance’s success is enough to draw new balances in the conflict against Israel, consolidate the unity of the militias, protect the Arab identity of Jerusalem and the holy sites and force the enemy to release prisoners from their prisons.

The collective pointed out that this process led to the collapse of the morale of the Israeli army and the settlers, while strengthening that of the Palestinian and Arab people, dealing a serious blow to the path of normalization with the organization.

For his part, former President Emile Lahoud (1998-2007) emphasized that the Al-Aqsa operation “Deluge” demonstrated the level of development of the resistance in the Palestinian territories thanks to the support of its allies, above all Hezbollah.

“We support this resistance because it is the only language the enemy understands, and not the language of normalization, surrender and negotiation,” he explained.

In this context, all resistance forces, including the Syrian Social Nationalist Party in Lebanon, are committed to the fight against the usurping entity of Israel.

Previously, the Lebanese Islamic Resistance stressed that the Palestinian response represents a message for the Arab and Islamic world and for the entire international community, especially for those seeking normalization with Tel Aviv.

Hezbollah noted that this large-scale operation is a new confirmation that the will of the Palestinian people and the rifle of resistance are the only option against aggression.

At dawn this Saturday, the Hamas movement launched Operation Al-Aqsa Flood in response to the atrocities committed by the Israeli occupation in the Holy Mosque.
