Hamas surprises Israel with an attack with thousands of rockets

Hamas surprises Israel with an attack with thousands of rockets G1

Hamas surprises Israel with an attack with thousands of rockets

In the attacks this Saturday (7), terrorists in Israel killed more than 250 people, including many civilian victims, and left more than 1,400 injured. The Israeli response in Gaza resulted in 232 deaths and more than 1,700 injuries.

A surprise attack from the air and also from land. An unprecedented infiltration into Israeli territory, the worst attack against Israel since the suicide attacks of the Second Intifada some two decades ago.

Hundreds of armed men from the extremist group Hamas broke into buildings and surrounded a military base. Residents of Sderot, a town 1 km from Gaza, posted videos of terrorists roaming the streets. Images show militants removing the body of an Israeli soldier from a tank. The Palestinians took many hostages, whom Israel described as prisoners of war.

The attack began in the early hours of the morning. Hamas militants broke through the barriers around Gaza and entered villages and towns in southern Israel. At the same time, 2,500 to 5,000 rockets were fired in the coastal areas and reached the Tel Aviv metropolitan area, one of Israel’s largest cities, triggering antiaircraft alerts in several locations.

1 of 1 Hamas’ attack on Israel began in the early hours of this Saturday morning (7) Photo: Jornal Nacional/ Reproduction Hamas’ attack on Israel began in the early hours of this Saturday morning (7) Photo: Jornal Nacional/ Reproduction

Sirens also wailed in Jerusalem. There were so many rockets that they neutralized part of Israel’s defenses. Firefighters tried to put out the fires.

The militants also released videos of paragliding exercises near Israeli territory. It didn’t take long for Hamas military commander Mohammed Deif to announce the start of the operation and call on Palestinians around the world to fight.

“We announce that the first attack of the AlAqsa operation hit enemy sites, airports and military fortifications and fired more than 5,000 rockets and missiles in the first 20 minutes. This is the day of the great revolution to put an end to the last occupation and apartheid regime in the world,” said Mohammed Deif.

In a public statement, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared that Israel was at war.

“Our first objective is to eliminate the invading enemy forces and restore security and tranquility in the communities under attack. At the same time, the second goal is to make the enemy pay a high price in the Gaza Strip as well.”, he explained.

In Gaza, many rushed to buy supplies in anticipation of the coming days of conflict. Fearing the Israeli reaction, Palestinian families began to flee.

“Of course we are afraid. They can wipe us off the face of the earth. May God protect them and us too,” said Amal Abu Daka, a Gaza resident.

The Israeli response was with fighter jets. Entire buildings collapsed.

At an emergency meeting in Ramallah, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said the Palestinian people had the right to defend themselves against the “terror of the settlers and occupying forces.”

The attack occurred a day after the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War1973 in a surprise attack from Syria and Egypt.

In 2014, a much smaller infiltration of Palestinians into Israel than this Saturday (7) through tunnels dug under the desert led to a conflict that lasted almost two months. The danger now is that the fronts will expand and include the Lebanese Hezbollah.

Many European leaders posted statements of support for Israel on social media and condemned the attacks, which they described as terrorist. The European Union expressed solidarity with the Israeli people and stated that Israel has the right to defend itself.

According to the Israeli army, clashes are still taking place in the south of the country and there are reports of bombings in the Gaza Strip

In the Middle East, violence continued into the early hours of the morning. According to the Israeli army, clashes are still taking place in the south of the country and there are records of bombings in the Gaza Strip. The arguments continued throughout the day and the sirens sounded constantly.

A journalist from Al Jazeera television was live on air in Gaza when she was surprised by grenade attacks. The family of an Israeli woman filmed and released a video showing her being kidnapped by Hamas extremists. In southern Israel, rows of bodies in plastic bags illustrate the extent of the violence.

The world continues to respond to the attacks. The Brandenburg Gate, a postcard in Berlin, Germany, was illuminated in the colors of the Israeli flag.

The number of deaths recorded in Israel rose to 300, according to local government figures, and in the Gaza Strip, Palestinian authorities estimate 232 deaths. The armed extremist group Hamas said it had captured and was still holding dozens of Israeli soldiers hostage, according to a spokesman for the group.