Israeli tourists are shot dead in Egypt

Israeli tourists are shot dead in Egypt

The incident also left a leader dead and a fourth person injured both Egyptians

Two Israeli tourists were shot this Sunday (October 8, 2023) in Alexandria (Egypt), the Israeli Foreign Ministry said. In addition to them, an Egyptian leader died in the attack. A fourth person, an Egyptian, was injured. The information comes from Portal.

According to the agency, the shooter was a police officer who fired indiscriminately at the group of tourists after a provocation. Sources close to Egyptian security forces told Portal he was in custody.

Egypt was the first Arab country to officially recognize the State of Israel. At the time of publication of this text, it was not known whether the Alexandria incident was related to the Hamas attack on Israel that began on Saturday (October 7, 2023).

After the attacks, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared war on Hamas, declaring that “the enemy will pay a price the likes of which he has never known.” Since then, Israeli security forces have been attacking targets in the Gaza Strip.

The Palestinian Authority presented this Sunday (October 8) a memorandum calling for an emergency meeting of the foreign ministers of the Arab League countries.

According to Arab League Ambassador Muhannad AlAklouk, the request was made “in light of Israel’s brutal and persistent aggression against the Palestinian people.”

Learn more about the war in Israel:

  • the extremist group Hamas launched an unprecedented attack against Israel on October 7;
  • around 2,000 rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip; Extremists have also entered Israeli cities there are reports of kidnappings of soldiers and civilians;
  • Israel responded by bombing targets in the Gaza Strip;
  • Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared war on Hamas and spoke of the group’s destruction;
  • the conflict has already left 613 dead (300 Israelis and 313 Palestinians) and hundreds injured;
  • World leaders like Joe Biden and Emmanuel Macron condemned the attacks Jewish organizations did the same;
  • Iran and Hezbollah celebrated Hamas’ action;
  • Itamaraty announced it would request an emergency meeting at the United Nations to discuss the conflict.
  • Lula called the Hamas attacks “terrorism,” but qualified the episode;
  • 1 Brazilian injured and 2 missing in Israel, says Itamaraty;
  • The Israeli embassy in Brazil described Hamas as an “offshoot” of the Iranian regime;
  • Arthur Lira and Rodrigo Pacheco also spoke and called for peace;
  • Bolsonaro dismissed the attacks and linked Hamas to Lula;
  • UNDERSTAND Find out what Hamas is and the history of the conflict with Israel
  • PHOTOS AND VIDEOS see images of war.






