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After Hamas attack: US moves warships to Eastern Mediterranean

The US is moving an aircraft carrier and other warships to the Eastern Mediterranean in response to the major attack on Israel by Islamic Hamas.

These included the aircraft carrier “USS Gerald R. Ford”, the Air Force cruiser “USS Normandy” and four Arleigh Burke-class destroyers, the US Department of Defense announced on Sunday.

Preparations were also made to relocate Air Force squadrons with their fighters to the region, he said.

The US will also provide additional equipment and ammunition to the Israeli military, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin announced.

Baerbock No jet fighter debate zdfde

ZDF correspondent Michael Bewerunge explains how Israel is preparing for a possible “war on two fronts”.

October 8, 2023 | 01:43 minutes

“The relocation of the aircraft carrier group with the USS Gerald Ford gives the US president more room for action,” explains ZDF correspondent Elmar Theveßen.

According to Theveßen, the decision also serves as a deterrent against all Israel’s enemies who want to take advantage of the events. Iran, in particular, should feel harmed by the relocation.

“A 9/11 moment in Israeli history,” said ZDF correspondent Michael Bewerunge of the attacks.

October 7, 2023 | 03:09 minutes

Its spiritual leader, Ali Khamenei, stated last Tuesday that “the Palestinians and other forces in the region would end the cancer of Israel”.

The US would now examine “the extent to which Iran knew in advance of Hamas’ plans or was even involved in their preparation”, said Theveßen. Islamist Hamas began rocket attacks on Israel from Gaza on Saturday morning. At the same time, armed Palestinians advanced into Israel by land, sea and air. Hundreds of Israelis were killed and several thousand injured.

Hamas fighters took hostages in several Israeli cities and also abducted dozens of people from the Gaza Strip. Israel responded to the attacks with counterattacks into the Gaza Strip, leaving several hundred dead and injured.

The Israeli government believes there are more than 100 hostages.

October 8, 2023 | 01:27 minIsraeli fighting and shelling continued on Sunday. Hamas is classified as a terrorist organization by the EU, the US and Israel.

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