Attack in Israel No unanimity in the UN Security Council

Attack in Israel: No unanimity in the UN Security Council

Shortly before the meeting, the United States called on all Council members to strongly condemn it “heinous terrorist attacks” of Hamas “Against the Israeli people and their government”.

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“Many countries have condemned Hamas’ attacks. But obviously not all of them.”US Deputy Ambassador Robert Woods lamented to the press at the end of the meeting. “You can definitely identify one of them without me having to say anything.”he added, in a clear reference to Russia, whose relations with the West have deteriorated significantly since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

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No state has put a proposal for a joint statement on the table, diplomats say, while the council is regularly divided on the Israeli-Palestinian issue and some members are hoping for a text that goes beyond a mere condemnation of Hamas.

“Unresolved problems”

“My message advocated an immediate end to the fighting, a ceasefire and meaningful negotiations.”explained Russian Ambassador Vassili Nebenzia, pointing to a situation that was partly the result of this “unexplained problems”.

Israel has “only request” Speaking on behalf of the UN Security Council, Israeli Ambassador Gilad Erdan said before the meeting: “Hamas’ war crimes must be condemned unequivocally, these unimaginable atrocities must be condemned.”.

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“Unfortunately, for some media and politicians, the story only begins when Israelis are killed.”replied Palestinian Ambassador Riyad Mansour, who represents the Palestinian Authority and not Hamas. “We will never accept rhetoric that denigrates our humanity and denies our rights, rhetoric that ignores the occupation of our land and the oppression of our people.”He said in a strained voice before adding: “Now is not the time to allow Israel to persist in its terrible decisions. It is time to tell Israel to change course and that there is a path to peace that does not involve killing Palestinians or Israelis.”.