Big Brother clash between Hiedi Baci and Anita Oliveri quotEnough

Big Brother, clash between Hiedi Baci and Anita Oliveri: "Enough, you have to grow up!"

A few hours after the ninth episode of Big Brother, Hiedi Baci and Anita Oliveri return to each other.

A few hours after the ninth episode of Big Brothertwo of the house’s prima donnas return to serve each other, Hiedi Baci and Anita Oliveri. The two girls have argued and argued often, but they just can’t seem to find common ground.

Big Brother, new clash between Hiedi and Anita

The reason for this collision were the nominations. Heidi is convinced that Anita has to leave the house this evening. The opinion of You kiss it bothered them Oliveri convinced she should have said it to his face:

“If you want, we’ll talk,” Anita said to Hiedi. “But I don’t get off the treadmill because I don’t feel like stopping. I wanted to tell you that it bothered me when you talked about me two feet away from me. You talked about tonight, about who you think is going out or should go out tonight. I felt everything, it’s not like I was sleeping. No, but include me when you talk about me, I mean, I’m next to you. You didn’t know I heard it.

“So what? But it was a consideration,” replied the 26-year-old of Albanian origin. “Tell me what I said about you that was bad? That was so insulting… I’ve never done anything bad before.” Rosy asked me what I thought was going to happen tonight, we haven’t really talked about you. He asked me what I thought would happen. I think you’re more at risk. So? In my opinion, like Marco, you are one It’s a bit depressing, isn’t it? Did it particularly offend you?

“Yes, yes, of course, but tell me. I’m next to you. I find it tasteless. When you use my name and I stand next to you, you include me. Because otherwise it’s tasteless. Next time you talk about me, either do it in a different room or include me,” he replied Anita.

Shortly afterwards, Heidi blurted out to Gieffina:

“I say things to whoever I want. You’re an idiot. You weren’t really relevant in the conversation between me and Rosy. I just explained to you why I said it. I’m sorry, period, you don’t.” I have to tell myself what to say. Anita, grow up, be patient, what kind of content do you want to create before the episode? Come on, Anita. Please stop, you’re stressed again. Be patient and walk on the treadmill. How stressful.”

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