Shani Louk the German woman killed stripped and vilified by

Shani Louk, the German woman killed, stripped and vilified by Hamas in Gaza

Shani Nicole Louk: Although the family has some hope, it is very unlikely that the German tattoo artist survived the Hamas attack on a music festival in Gaza.| Photo: Reproduction/Instagram

She was everything Hamas abhors. Independent German woman, 30, tattoo artist, in Israel to take part in a music festival in the Gaza Strip. Shani Nicole Louk rose to fame under the worst circumstances imaginable. After the largest invasion of Israel in half a century, pushed by the extremist group with the support of the Iranian regime last Saturday (7), she was one of hundreds of victims among the participants in the “Tribo de Nova”, or “peace”. Music Festival”. In a video shared on social media, the terrorists displayed his body like a trophy in the back of a pickup truck, his bleached dreadlocked hair tied back, his skin spit on, his clothes ripped off, his limbs bent at strange angles.

Shani’s family told Der Spiegel magazine that they had not heard from her since Saturday morning and that her credit card had been used suspiciously. The mother, Ricarda Louk, posted a video on She confirmed her daughter’s identity and said the video “clearly showed” her with features such as dreadlocks and tattoos, although her face was not visible. In the interview, Ricarda said she still doesn’t want to admit that her daughter is no longer alive.

The festival was held near Kibbutz Urim, one of Israel’s autonomous communities that were famous experiments with socialism. The population was hit by rockets, then the militants opened fire on civilians. There are pictures and several reports of the crowd running through the desert area, jumping over corpses.

Shani’s cousin, Tom Weintraub Louk, told the Washington Post: “We still have a little bit of hope. “Hamas is responsible for her and others.” The Central European newspaper Visegrád 24 reported that one of those present in the pickup was Hamas Members apparently were Mahmoud Abourjila. In addition to the facial resemblance, Internet users noted a similarity in the terrorist’s clothing and the clothing worn by Mahmoud in the photos posted on his Google account. The location of the images is within a 15km radius of where Shani’s body was disrespected. Authorities have not yet confirmed the identity of the militant.

The young German had an Instagram account, @shanukkk, which grew from 30,000 to over 50,000 followers in 48 hours. The account was banned and clones appeared to pay tribute. Another account with fewer than two thousand followers shows her creations as a tattoo artist. She drew “tribal” style tattoos, animals, mandalas and mythological figures from the East.

Left celebration

In Video As reporter Brendan Gutenschwager published on Sunday, leftwing activists gathered in front of the Israeli consulate in New York. One of them applauds and says into the megaphone: “There was some kind of rave or desert party where they were having fun until the resistance came with electric paragliders and at the end there were at least several dozen hipsters.” The audience of demonstrators vibrates at the comment. “But I’m sure they’re all OK, despite what the New York Post claims.” CNN put the festival’s death toll at 260.

Reports circulated that the music festival was organized by Brazilians. Brazilian DJ Alok clarified on X on Saturday that the event had an Israeli producer. The DJ’s father was “hired to perform at an event that licensed the rights to use the festival’s name,” and Alok shared that “he is safe in a bunker awaiting instructions to return to Brazil.”

Raziel Tamir, one of those present at the event, said on local radio that he woke up in his tent at 6 a.m. Saturday to the sound of explosions and gunfire, according to the Jerusalem Post. In addition to the paragliders, around 50 terrorists arrived at the scene in vans wearing uniforms. He witnessed “a large number of corpses and terrorists running around everywhere and shooting and throwing grenades and stun bombs at people.” He said he survived along with 100 other people because Israeli soldiers acted as a human shield against the ongoing massacre. “The soldiers protected us with their own bodies, we saw them fall before our eyes.”