Sonia Abrão Fans were worried when he was missing from the show “A Tarde é Sua” on RedeTV on Monday afternoon, October 9th!
Vladimir Alves opened the attraction and took a while to explain what happened. When he returned from a break at the attraction, he called Sonia Abrão live.
And then Sonia said: “I tested positive for Covid19. I’m fine, except for a little hoarseness. I have to stay away, but the contamination has stopped me. Energywise, I was a little too lazy to do anything, but I’m fine. Today I have improved by about 50%.”
Still dwelling on the attraction, the presenter made it a point to talk about “Domingão com Huck” on TV Globo, which on October 8th showed the historic duel of in the “Lip Sync” section Joao Liberato It is Joao Guilherme Silvasons of Gugu Liberato It is Faustao respectively.
Sonia even posted a special video on her social networks to comment on the matter.
Andreia Takano
She has been a journalist since 2000 and began her career in 2002 as a writer for the website OFuxico. Years later, she worked as an editor for the website Famosidades (MSN) and also as a reporter for Quem, the newspaper Agora S. Paulo (Folha de S. Paulo), R7 and returned in 2015 as editor of the Ofuxico website.