Europe and the USA warn Iran of war and promise

Europe and the USA warn Iran of war and promise help to Israel Check

The statement highlights how “Hamas terrorists massacred families in their homes as well as more than 200 young people attending a music festival and kidnapped elderly women, children and entire families who are now being held hostage as the entire world stands in horror watching.” “

The statement is also a recognition that Israel has the right to defend itself “against these atrocities.” But the message is aimed at allies and regional powers.

We also ask other extremist groups or any state that wishes to exploit the situation, especially Iran, not to try to exploit this situation for other purposes or to expand the conflict beyond Gaza.
Declaration signed by France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom and the USA

Tehran is considered Hamas’s most important ally and, analysts say, would have an interest in preventing normalization of relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia, its major regional rival.

There are fears that Hamas will call on Iran to come to its aid in a conflict that could spiral out of control or spread. Another message in the statement comes from Hezbollah, which is also an ally of Tehran and has shown sympathy for Hamas from Lebanon.

Picture Image: Arte/UOL

For the five countries, the group that attacked the Israelis does not represent the interests of the Palestinian people.