A bar owner finds a boa behind his coffee machine

A bar owner finds a boa behind his coffee machine

A bar manager in Rouen, northern France, who was cleaning his bar, discovered an exotic snake behind his coffee machine.

Last Saturday, as he prepared to close up shop, the bar owner encountered a customer like no other: a boa hiding behind the coffee machine.

The department’s fire and rescue service had to intervene to capture the reptile, which was transported to a special facility while it waited to find its owner.

“It was a big surprise, but the queue wasn’t bad!” Cecilia, the bistro owner’s daughter-in-law, told the media “Actu.fr”

A message was spread on social media trying to locate the animal’s owner. This call has been louder since it became known to whom the boa would be given.

According to France 3, a turtle protection association in France that runs an SOS phone line for snakes recommends “remaining calm and not touching the reptile.”

“The attitude to adopt is not to get as close as possible, but to stay 1 meter and 1.50 meters apart,” explained a co-coordinator of SOS Serpents in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes.