Prohiben en Francia manifestaciones frente al Consejo Constitucional

The Archbishop of Guatemala calls for the resignation of the Attorney General

“I am a member of the country’s bishops’ conference and we have published a statement saying that the national situation is serious,” the representative of the Catholic Church said in an interview with the newspaper La Prensa de Occidente.

The perception of part of the population is that the actions – of the Ministry of State (MP) – are an abuse of the law, they are excuses, the authority commented.

“The straw that broke the camel’s back was certainly the confiscation of protocols, votes and all voting materials,” he described, openly alluding to the measures promoted by this investigative unit.

This is the maximum, since the Supreme Electoral Court (TSE) is the governing body of the electoral process, the prelate explained, referring to the road blockades in the country of the Quetzal, which are taking place for the ninth time this Tuesday.

There is therefore the impression that although the lawsuit is protected by a judicial decision, this decision exceeds the legal possibilities, noted Molina.

There is a demand from the protesters that Porras, the head of the Special Prosecutor’s Office against Impunity, Rafael Curruchiche, and Judge Fredy Orellana leave their positions, he added.

In the statement, we expressly supported this request of the population, which is why we call on the country’s president, Alejandro Giammattei, to “call on the above-mentioned people to resign,” said the leader.

On the other hand, he recalled, we appeal directly to the conscience of Porras and Curruchiche to submit their resignations.

“In this text we do not judge culpability, but the perception is that they have exceeded their powers and the need for their resignation is dictated,” he added.

Their presence in the state organs is causing the social paralysis we are experiencing and the only way to return to normality is the resignation of these two officials, explained the Archbishop.

The population, united in the so-called indefinite strike in Guatemala, blocked this Tuesday at least 136 strategic highway points in search of saving democracy.
