1696969714 Mental Health Day 10 SYMPTOMS to recognize mental illness El

Mental Health Day: 10 SYMPTOMS to recognize mental illness El Cronista

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This Tuesday October 10th, and like every year it is like that World Day Mental health. That’s how I knew that 10 symptoms understand when a person is suffering from a mental disorder.

Just like other specializations Psychiatrist and psychology They are important for understanding the origin of various problems in the human body. According to experts, somatic diseases may not have a biological cause.

For this reason the Head of Mental Health Department from Caseros Model Sanatorium, Cynthia Zaiatz, spoke exclusively to El Cronista and explained the main signs of the depression.

However, there are also other mental disorders such as: Anxiety, bipolar, and attention or eating problems who also have specific symptoms

Mental Health Day: The 10 Symptoms to Recognize Depression

The specialist in psychology and health points out that there are such 10 visible characters which indicate a possible psychological condition. It is important to understand that many of these are personal feelings. Therefore, it is necessary to listen and understand the moments when it is necessary to talk to the person who may be affected.

The complete list of depression symptoms

  • sadnesspersistent fear or feeling of emptiness.
  • loss of interest in activities that previously gave pleasure (including sexual activity).
  • fatigue or loss of energy.
  • Loss of appetite (loss of Weight) or increased appetite (weight gain).
  • problem sleepto maintain sleep, insomnia or excessive tiredness (sleeping a lot).
  • Loss of expression emotionally (flattened feelings).
  • feeling of hopelessness, pessimism, accuse or uselessness.
  • retreat Social and irritability.
  • problem focusremember or make decisions.
  • problems physically persistent symptoms such as headaches, digestive problems and chronic pain that do not respond to treatment.
  • The most critical point highlighted by Ms. Zaiatz is “Suicidal thoughts and ideasand suicide attempts and self-harm.

    The specialist adds a clear consequence of depression: “The presence of a excessive worry, Anxiety attacks And Obsessions Are common. A common mistake is to believe that the person has a mental disorder. Fear”.

    Mental Health Day 10 SYMPTOMS to recognize mental illness ElThere are 10 signs that depression is related to emotions and habits.

    Depression: tips for treatment

    The mental health specialist first recommends caring for close and loving relatives do not recommend any remedies. And he emphasizes: “This is a job for doctors.”

    In this sense, it is recommended to avoid self-medication. The key that the graduate and master point out is to “convey this to the patient.” consult a doctor or a psychologist to receive specific treatment.

    On the other hand, post-recognition work is not just a task therapybut rather a process that is accompanied by Drugs. In this case the ideal Don’t stigmatize or break down stereotypes regarding pills and, above all, respect the instructions of the treating psychiatrist.

    Ms. Zaiatz points out 3 types of processes, depending on the “severity” and the condition of each person:

    1696969706 985 Mental Health Day 10 SYMPTOMS to recognize mental illness ElWhen it comes to depression, there are three groups of patients depending on the severity of the disease.

    • depression light: complementary treatment (including frequent doctor visits and education) and psychotherapy.
    • Depression in between medium and difficult: Medication, psychotherapy or both, and sometimes electroconvulsive therapy.
    • depression seasonal: phototherapy.

    Complementary treatment requires the cooperation of not only a doctor, but also the patient, according to the specialist. “It is important, that family members “We have to understand the disorder, participate in the treatment and support it,” concludes the psychologist.

    How should family and friends of a person with mental health issues deal with themselves?

    First, you need to understand that depression “can start.” Every agealthough the average is close 30 years“. The specialist indicates that it “occurs more often” in women than in men.

    Mental health in the workplace: The factors that can affect mental well-being and the importance of developing public policies

    Artificial Intelligence: How Technology Could Detect When a Person is Depressed

    The social symptoms of depression listed in the reference are 3:

    • The individual is uncomfortable everywhere.
    • Can not be found your space nowhere.
    • It doesn’t feel like it Treasure.
    • It feels ignored.

    Zaiatz emphasizes that people with depression “Fear of rejection as a survival-threatening mechanism” and thus a Self-exclusion. The advice to get out of this situation is the genuine affection of his family, which reverses the patient’s feeling of doubt.

    The ideal is “Support networks“, which allow the person to avoid stressful situations. Another key is to avoid crowds of people or massive situations with a lot of acoustic and visual stimuli.