Ramirez and Harina enjoy their fame El Universal.webp

Ramírez and Harina enjoy their fame El Universal

The actor Memo Villegas He affirms that he was sometimes annoyed when people stopped him and asked for a photo or told him to repeat a phrase that made his character from the series popular. Lieutenant Flour. It’s not that his fame has increased, but rather that he is an introverted person and things are complicated for him, he explains. However, he is aware that his popularity will not last forever and that the time will come when people will forget him.

“I thought from many points about, ‘What will happen when I’m not here anymore?’ because my responsibility as an actor is to emotionally prepare myself for both the boom and the fall,” he says in one Interview with THE UNIVERSAL.

That is why he has decided to enjoy this moment of popularity and then gradually leave it, because he believes that if he does not do so, he will face a difficult period of mourning in which he will realize that his image has no meaning more has something for the public.

His partner thinks the same. Veronica Bravowhich is part of the like Memo “Flour” series.whose second season begins today on Prime Video.

“It’s very smart to know that it’s foam and that it’s OK to enjoy it, but you don’t have to sit back and say, ‘I already put it together’ or ‘I’m done from up here’ ; The industry is insatiable, so it’s important to find peace and happiness in what we do,” says Bravo, who plays Lieutenant Ramírez.

For Verónica, the formula that has made this couple successful is the one that has always worked in comedy: the contrast, since one is the good cop and the other is the bad cop, which enhances the chemistry between her and Memo.

Although they show a less-than-perfect side of the Mexican police in the first season, as well as this upcoming one, the actors said they haven’t received any complaints from that area.

“All the encounters I had with the police were very friendly, I was just afraid that if I made a bad interpretation or a joke they would complain to me at any moment, but the opposite was the case.” I “I’m not a police officer, I don’t even know what it feels like to carry the true weight of a weapon,” explains Memo Villegas.

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To carry out the interpretation of this character, it was not necessary for him to do any field research, such as undergoing training at the academy or living with real police officers for a while, which is why the actor is surprised by the acceptance the characters have had.

“This speaks to how real fiction can be, any product that serves its purpose, which is to entertain. I think the audience loves you and among them is the lawyer, the accountant or the policeman, they had fun with this series,” says Villegas, although Verónica believes that there will also be those who don’t want her.

In this second season, the actors assured that the viewer could learn a little more about the characters, from their daily problems to their dreams.

Despite the good results of the series, Memo assured that it is not the intention of the series to glorify the police or the justice system in Mexico, since that is why there are other types of films or series.

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