The uncomfortable costume Jason Momoa used to get Amber Heard

The uncomfortable costume Jason Momoa used to get Amber Heard to leave Aquaman 2

Jason Momoa would have done anything to get Amber Heard to leave the set of Aquaman 2 Portal/Mario Anzuoni

As Johnny Depp’s fans paid the court fees for the publication of the documents from his scandal trial with Amber Heard, several statements from the actress have come to light alleging that she was abused during the filming of the film Aquaman 2.

Heard told all these anecdotes to her therapist Dr. Dawn Hughes and in the notes they were able to recover, Heard shared that much of that abuse was due to this Jason Momoa, his co-star in the long-awaited sequel to King of the Sea. According to Amber, Jason tried at all costs to get her out of the film, and one of his most desperate attempts was to get to the recording set completely drunk and dressed as Johnny Deppsomething that caused great discomfort for the actress.

Jason Momoa would have arrived on the set of Aquaman 2 drunk and in a Johnny Depp costume, causing major annoyance to Amber Heard Portal/Gonzalo Fuentes

“Jason said he wanted me fired. Jason was drunk and late on set. Dressed like Johnny. “He has all the rings too.” say Hughes’ notes, published by Variety.

So far, neither Jason nor his representatives have commented on the situation, but there have already been people who have defended the actor amid the controversy. A spokesperson for the DC film universe assured that Momoa “conducted himself professionally at all times on the set of ‘Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom'”while a set worker said that the actor liked to drink a beer before his scenes, but never appeared drunk during filming.

Regarding his Johnny Depp costume, the worker added that Momoa “She always dressed in a bohemian style”so her clothing sets may look very similar to those of Amber Heard’s ex-partner.

One of the workers in Aquaman 2 defended Jason Momoa and made sure his clothing style was very similar to Johnny Depp’s Portal/Tom Nicholson

According to the notes, Jason wasn’t the only one at odds with Heard. James Wanthe film’s director, also had several meetings with Heard due to the trial she faced with Johnny Depp, as this greatly affected the film’s publicity.

“He raised his voice at me – ‘I can’t even post about Aquaman’ – he said it like it was my fault – I said ‘I’m sorry’.” Due to the power outage, no one could take selfies with me on set.“, reveal the notes from Heard’s therapist.

James Wan is also said to have abused Amber Heard during the filming of Aquaman 2 Portal/Mario Anzuoni

However, DC spokespeople also defended Wan, ensuring that the director always treated his team with “utmost respect.”

“James is known for treating his cast and crew members with the utmost respect and fostering a positive, collaborative environment on set – the ‘Aquaman’ films were no exception.”

Despite these different versions of Amber Heard’s treatment on the set of Aquaman 2, the truth is that the actress was almost fired. At the time, several sources claimed that there was a lack of chemistry between Jason Momoa and her, but these versions lacked the foundation after it was revealed that Amber and Jason had chemistry tests since the first film, in which the actress emerged victorious over other applicants such as Abbey Lee.

Amber Heard was almost fired from Aquaman 2, but her ex-boyfriend Elon Musk stood up for her

According to Variety, the reason Heard continued with the project was her ex-partner, the mogul Elon Musk threatened to “burn the house down” if Amber didn’t come back in the Aquaman sequel. In the end, Warner Bros. Pictures agreed to the terms and Amber reluctantly returned to say goodbye to Jason Momoa Arthur Curry.

It’s worth mentioning that despite the drastic changes that the DC film universe is currently experiencing, Jason Momoa will stick to the original, but will now play one of the most popular anti-heroes in the DC Comics mythology: Wolf.