US and Israel claim Hamas raped women

US and Israel claim Hamas raped women

There is no evidence confirming Biden and Netanyahu’s statements; A video of a woman with bloodlike stains on her pants went viral on social media

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told US President Joe Biden that women were “brutally raped and murdered” by members of Hamas in the extremist group’s attack. The statement was made during a telephone conversation between the two leaders on Tuesday (October 10, 2023).

Also on Tuesday, Biden gave a speech at the White House. In a tenminute speech, the American once again condemned what he described as “acts of pure cruelty”. Describing the acts, he said: “Women were raped, assaulted, displayed like trophies.”

This is what Netanyahu and Biden said:

  • Benjamin Netanyahu “I spoke to US President Joe Biden for the third time this evening. I told him that Hamas was worse than ISIS and that they should be treated as such […] On Saturday we were hit by an attack whose ferocity we have not witnessed since the Holocaust. We killed 100 people, exterminated families in their beds in their homes, brutally raped and murdered women, kidnapped more than 100 people, including children” the full message is available here in Hebrew;
  • Joe Biden “This was an act of pure evil. More than 1,000 civilians were massacred in Israel and not just killed, massacred. Among them, at least 14 American citizens were killed. Parents massacred their bodies to protect their children. Shocking reports of babies being killed. Entire families killed. Young people were massacred while attending a music festival to celebrate peace to celebrate peace. “Women are raped, attacked and displayed like trophies” the full speech is available in English here.

Hamas denied the acts.

“We, the Palestinian Islamic resistance movement Hamas, strongly condemn these baseless claims and fabrications aimed at inciting our people in their legitimate struggle,” the group said. Read the full text (PDF 152 kB).

However, on social media, users share reports of Hamas rape, even without evidence. A video is being used as a possible indication of a sexual assault.

The video (click here to watch the images are powerful) shows:

  • A woman is taken out of the trunk of a car and placed in the back seat.
  • She is barefoot, has her hands bound, and has what appear to be blood stains on her face, feet, and pants near her knees and buttocks;
  • She is dragged by the hair by an armed man, believed to be a member of Hamas.

The NGO Acción y Comunicación sobre Oriente Medio reports in its profile in the networks recommended that the woman seen in the video was a victim of a radical practice called “Taharrush.” The literal translation of the term in Arabic would be “collective harassment”. Harassment can be verbal, physical and sexual.


One of the people who shared the woman’s video was the vice president of Ibraspal (BrazilPalestine Institute), Sayid Marcos Tenório. A Hamas supporter, he mocked the woman seen in the pictures, saying the stain on her pants was a “shit stain.” Sayid worked with deputy Márcio Jerry (BMA PC). He was released on Tuesday after the Power360 show that he served in the Chamber of Deputies.


Although this is the largest armed conflict in the region in recent years, the territorial dispute between Palestinians and Jews has been going on for decades. The two groups claim the area, which has important historical and religious landmarks for both ethnicities.

Hamas (Arabic acronym for “Islamic Resistance Movement”) is the largest Sunni Islamic organization operating in Palestine. It has a political arm and provides social services to the Palestinian people, most of whom live in poor areas with precarious infrastructure. However, the organization is best known for its armed wing, which fights for the sovereignty of the Gaza Strip.

The group seized power in the region in 2007 after winning elections in 2006 against the political and military organization Fatah.

The region has been the scene of conflict for the last century. There are records of offensives between Israel and Hamas in 2008, 2009, 2012, 2014, 2018, 2019 and 2021, in addition to the 1st ArabIsraeli War (1948), the Suez Crisis (1956), the 6th Daily War (1967), 1st Intifada (1987) and 2nd Intifada (2000). Find out more here.

Tensions in the region began after the UN (United Nations) divided Palestine into Arab (Gaza and West Bank) and Jewish (Israel) areas, with the intention of creating a Jewish state. However, the Arabs rejected the partition, They claim to have been given land with the fewest resources.



Hamas, a radical Islamic group with Sunni orientation, carried out a surprise attack on Israel on Saturday (October 7). Israel declared war on Hamas and began a series of reprisals in the Gaza Strip, a Palestinian territory that borders Israel and is ruled by Hamas.



So far, Hamas’ attacks have focused on the south and center of Israel. If Hezbollah advances again on the border with Lebanon, a new fighting focus could emerge in northern Israel.

Israeli Lt. Col. Richard Hecht stated that the country is “looking north” and that he hopes Hezbollah “does not make the mistake of joining.” [ao Hamas]“.


Learn more about the war in Israel:

  • the extremist group Hamas launched an unprecedented attack against Israel on October 7 and claimed responsibility for the attacks the following day;
  • Around 2,000 rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip. Extremists have also entered Israeli cities there are reports of kidnappings of soldiers and civilians;
  • Israel responded by bombing targets in the Gaza Strip;
  • Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared war on Hamas (Oct. 8) and spoke of the group’s destruction;
  • World leaders like Joe Biden and Emmanuel Macron condemned the attacks Jewish organizations did the same;
  • Iran and the extremist group Hezbollah celebrated Hamas’ action find out what it’s like in the tunnels Hezbollah uses on the LebanonIsrael border;
  • Israel’s Defense Minister Yoav Gallant ordered a “complete siege” of the Gaza Strip on Monday (October 9). According to the United Nations, measures are prohibited under international humanitarian law;
  • Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky compared the conflict to the war in Ukraine. He stated that Hamas was a “terrorist organization” while Russia could be considered a “terrorist state”;
  • Lula called the Hamas attacks “terrorism,” but qualified the episode;
  • There will be a government operation to repatriate Brazilians to areas affected by the attacks. There will be 5 flights to pick up 900 people. The 1st FAB rescue aircraft (Brazilian Air Force) landed in Tel Aviv this Tuesday (10/10). The operation must be completed by Thursday (October 12);
  • The Israeli embassy in Brazil described Hamas as an “offshoot” of the Iranian regime;
  • Arthur Lira (PPAL), President of the Chamber, and Rodrigo Pacheco (PSDMG), President of the Senate, also spoke and called for peace;
  • Bolsonaro (PL) rejected the attacks and linked Hamas to Lula;
  • Itamaraty confirmed the death of a Brazilian, two others are still missing;
  • UNDERSTAND Find out what Hamas is and the history of the conflict with Israel;
  • ANALYSIS The conflict is between Iran and Israel and the possibility of escalation is uncertain.
  • OPINION Uncertain days for the oil market, writes Adriano Pires;
  • PHOTOS AND VIDEOS Watch images of war in the special playlist from Power360 on Youtube.

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