In 2024 there will be more people over 65 than under 15 in Europe, the World Health Organization (WHO) warned on Wednesday and called for improved measures for healthy old age.
“It is estimated that by 2024 the population of people over 65 years of age will be larger than that of those under 15 years of age in the WHO European Region,” says a WHO press release.
On a global level, this upheaval is likely to occur 60 years later, around 2064, according to forecasts by the Our World in Data Institute.
“This trend is synonymous with new social, economic and health challenges,” noted the European branch of the health organization, which includes 53 countries, some of which are in Central Asia.
On the Old Continent, increased life expectancy is often synonymous with worsening health.
To mitigate the effects of population aging, the WHO calls on authorities to take measures to “enable older people to maintain and improve their physical and mental health, independence, social well-being and quality of life.”
Recommended measures include a balanced diet and physical activity of at least 150 minutes per week.
“More intense physical activity can reduce the risk of death from any cause by 35%,” emphasized the WHO.